Exploring Kaiserslautern

Japanischer Garten, Kaiserslautern

Once a year I like to explore cities I normally wouldn‘t get to. To see the touristic highlights, to walk through the streets and feel the atmosphere and gain new insights. I did so with Erfurt and Jena in the last years and was always surprised how wrong my image of the city was. This time I took my wife to Kaiserslautern, Germany. Who would go there? Close to Germany’s smallest federal state – the Saarland, not far away from France and Luxemburg? Continue reading “Exploring Kaiserslautern”

Bavarian timeout 

Starnberger See, Starnberg

Over time friends move and sometimes you loose contact. That’s often because life changes and sometimes because your friends get out of distance for a day trip. Some of our friends moved to München, Germany which is only reachable from Germany if you stay overnight. And the long journey only makes sense if you stay some days. That is why we planned a trip to Bavaria in a our autumn holidays. Continue reading “Bavarian timeout “

Herbst- und Bauernmarkt

Herbst- und Bauernmarkt, Hann. Münden

I‘ve never seen the city center of Hann. Münden, Germany crowded like this. Thousands of people were trying to find their way to the farmers‘ market surrounding the church St. Blasius. Every parking lot in and around the city was blocked, cars were also parking along side streets quite far away from the city center. Since some years the Herbst- und Bauernmarkt is one of the main attractions of the town. Continue reading “Herbst- und Bauernmarkt”


Railway track restauration works, Hann. Münden

There are some words which you really dislike if you’re a frequent user of trains in Germany: “Weichenstörung” (switch point failure), “Stellwerksausfall” (railway control center failure), “Personenschaden” (damage to persons), “Signalstörung” (signal failure), “geänderte Wagenreihung” (changed order of rail cars) and of course “Schienenersatzverkehr“. It means that you’ll have to go by bus – usually with a longer travel time and missed connections. Continue reading “Schienenersatzverkehr”

Being godfather

Bald eagle 'Joker', Sababurg, Hofgeismar, Germany

The Tierpark Sababurg in Hofgeismar, Germany is a wonderful place for families – lots of animals, a playground, vast green fields and low prices. We get here every now and then and enjoy time in the sunshine. And we wanted to give something back. The Tierpark operates a program where you can support a specific animal by a donation and have your name on a plate within the park. Every year there is a special day for donors where you can learn more about the chosen one. Continue reading “Being godfather”

At the outskirts of Berlin

Britzer Garten / BUGA, Berlin

It is already becoming a family tradition: as the history of the family of my wife roots in Berlin, Germany we’re returning here every year in summertime. As there is currently a discussion about away homes going on (because of the lack of available flats in the city) we were staying at the hotel Sperlingshof in Dallgow-Döberitz west of the city. In fact it already belongs to the Havelland in the federal state of Brandenburg.

Continue reading “At the outskirts of Berlin”