Letter from QWERTZ-Buchstabenladen, Hannover

All around us in cities there are illuminated letters: company names, advertisements, signs. But where do they go when they’re not needed anymore? Some of them have a second life, get refurbished and decorate the homes of people. A nice place where you can buy your initials in different shapes, colors and sizes – from twenty centimeters to two meters – is the QWERTZ-Buchstabenladen in Hannover, Germany.

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Halitplatz, Kassel

If you’re visiting the north of Kassel, Germany along the Holländische Straße you might wonder about a strangely named place: the Halitplatz. It is a public space with a small memorial in front of a flower shop and it is named after Halit Yozgat, a former inhabitant of the city and owner of an Internet shop.

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Barracks, Mulang, Kassel

When you walk from the Löwenburg castle at Kassel, Germany down the road back to civilization you might wonder about two barracks standing near Anthonistraße and Panoramaweg. These are the last remaining buildings of an outpost of the concentration camp Buchenwald near Weimar, Germany. The one with the words ‘Jedem das Seine‘ at the gate. About 288 people were brought from Weimar to Kassel between 1943 and 1945 – many of them political prisoners.

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