Town hall

Altes Rathaus, Bremen

I’ve seen many town halls in the past but the one at Bremen, Germany is one of the most beautiful. It is richly decorated outside as well as inside and is one of the most important buildings of the Weser renaissance and gothic styles. It was built between 1405 and 1410 as a replacement for the former town hall in romanesque style (built before the 1220s). Together with the Roland it is now a UNESCO World Heritage site.

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St. Petri

Dom St. Petri, Bremen

The cathedral of Bremen – the Bremer Dom – is dedicated to Saint Peter and standing next to the town hall and the statue of Roland. It is a beautiful protestant church building with a fine rosetta in front and two towers with a height slightly above 90 meters. The first church building in that place dates back to the year 784, the current church is from the 11th century CE. It is mostly designed in gothic style with neo-romanesque elements.

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Steinertsee, Oberkaufungen, Kaufungen

When you’re standing next to the Steinertsee at Kaufungen, Germany you won’t directly notice that it is an artificial lake and you can’t image what happened here in the past. Between 1955 and 1967 brown coal was taken from the earth of the Steinertfeld. Between 1960 and 1968 this place was additionally used as a waste dump – but from 1971 on things changed and a large recreation area (the Steinertseepark) was created.

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Gut Windhausen

Schloss Windhausen, Gut Windhausen, Niestetal

The Gut Windhausen at Niestetal, Germany is a hidden gem that already has seen better days. A village at this location was mentioned first in 1241, the ownership changed over time. The best times began when Maria Anna Amalia of Courland, the wife of Charles I, landgrave of Hesse-Kassel bought the area and general Martin Ernst von Schlieffen moved in. A manor house in baroque style was built here by his request from 1769 on.

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Tierpark Hellabrunn, München

The Münchner Tierpark Hellabrunn is the zoological garden of München, Germany. It was opened in 1911 and you can visit 18500 animals of more than 700 species. It is located at Giesing-Harlaching close to the wetlands of the river Isar, the Flauchersteg and the Flaucher. It is financed by the city of München as well as many private donors and participates in 38 wildlife conservation programs.

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Isar, München

It’s no secret that along the river Isar at München, Germany you can find the best places to relax. Close to the Baldeplatz there are nice green areas to sit close to the water, to walk through the shallow parts of the river or to enjoy the faster flow around the Weideninsel (willow island) within the river.

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Charlotte-Müller-Denkmal, Göttingen

A small memorial on the square in front of the railway station of Göttingen, Germany reminds you of Charlotte Müller – the oldest street merchant in the world (as the writing underneath states and as it is written in the Guinness book of world records). But most visitors of the city won’t find the statue underneath the tree and behind those numerous bicycles standing around everywhere.

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