The Grimmwelt at Kassel, Germany is a museum at the Weinberg near the city center dedicated to the life, work and publications of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm – well known as the Brothers Grimm. It was opened in 2014 and is a replacement for the Brüder-Grimm-Museum existing until then at the Palais Bellevue.
Continue reading “Grimmwelt”Museum für Sepulkralkultur
It’s a topic humans normal try not to think about: the death that awaits us all. At Kassel, Germany you can find the Museum für Sepulkralkultur that gives you a place to debate about this topic. It is a museum dedicated to death and the specific rites that exist around the world. You can see how in other times and other cultures people coped with the fact that life isn’t endless.
Continue reading “Museum für Sepulkralkultur”Deichtorhallen
One of Europe’s biggest exhibition halls for contemporary art and photography can be found at Hamburg, Germany: the Deichtorhallen. They have been built in 1911 and 1913 and are located close to the city center and the Hafencity. One of them is dedicated to contemporary art, the other to photography – both showing changing exhibitions. Continue reading “Deichtorhallen”
The Söderåsen Nationalpark near Klippan, Sweden was a very positive surprise for us. It was a recommendation from a guidebook but we didn’t know what to expect and whether it would be a good idea to go there while the temperature was so high. But it was! Continue reading “Söderåsen”
IKEA museum
Who doesn’t know the do-it-yourself furniture company IKEA? Some of us use their products during the whole life. IKEA in fact is an abbreviation for Ingvar Kamprad from Elmtaryd near Agunnaryd and that named place is near Älmhult, Sweden where you today find an IKEA hotel as well as an IKEA museum. Continue reading “IKEA museum”
Ölands Museum
If you go to the long-stretched island Öland via the long bridge connecting it to the mainland at Kalmar, Sweden you might want to see how people were living there in the past and get to know something about their culture. One of the best places for that is the Ölands Museum Himmelsberga at Borgholm. Continue reading “Ölands Museum”
Naturum & Västerviks Museum
The Naturum and the Västerviks Museum at Västervik, Sweden were a very positive surprise. We went by narrow-gauge train from Hultsfred to Västervik – but what to do there? Then I found these two museums on the Internet and decided to give them a try. They are located 20 minutes on foot away from the railway station on a rock called Kulbacken. It is located on the other side of the bay but there is a road and a path leading there. Continue reading “Naturum & Västerviks Museum”
Filmbyn Småland
The stories of Astrid Lindgren are inspired by the Swedish landscape and often they are also located at Småland – you can find a lot of well known names from the stories on the map surrounding Vimmerby, Sweden. And for sure these Region as also been used to shoot the movies according to the books. Continue reading “Filmbyn Småland”
Playing at the phaeno
The Science Center phaeno is located close to the main railway station of Wolfsburg, Germany. It is a giant playground in a crazy building designed by the architect Zaha Hadid. It has been opened in the year 2005 and contains more then 350 experiments you can do – mostly on your own. Continue reading “Playing at the phaeno”
Senckenberg Naturmuseum
If you have kids and they like dinosaurs (who does not?) you cannot omit visiting the Senckenberg Naturmuseum in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Together with the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin it is one of the biggest natural history museums in Germany. Continue reading “Senckenberg Naturmuseum”