Forum Wissen

Forum Wissen, Göttingen

The university of Göttingen has a wide range of scientific collections. Most of them are open to the public, but they’re distributed throughout the city and only accessible in very limited time frames. Therefore most inhabitants don’t know the treasures stored in the city. This changes with the Forum Wissen which was opened in 2022. It serves as a portal to these collections and presents important items at a central and well-accessible place.

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Herkules & Kaskaden, Wasserspiele, Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe, Kassel

The highlight of the Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe at Kassel are the historic water features or water games. To show their power, the landgraves were even taming the elements and in this case controlling water: behind the Herkules monument, water is collected in large basins. At dedicated points in time it is floating down the hill without any electricity, creating sounds and fountains. This event happens every Wednesday, Sunday and on public holidays from May 1st to October 3rd.

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Wo es beginnt

Madsen, Stadionsporthalle, Hannover

The COVID-19 pandemic created a special situation: for more than two and a half years concerts were shifted continuously into the future. We were always believing that next year everything will be fine and in addition to the concert tickets I had already bought I acquired new ones. In 2022 when everyone had the chance to get vaccinated and many people had already infected with variants of the virus that were at least less harmful, large concerts were possible again. And my calendar was full with concerts; starting with a performance of Madsen at the Stadionsporthalle of Hannover.

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Festung Ehrenbreitstein

Deutsches Eck, Koblenz

The Festung Ehrenbreitstein is a fortress high above river Rhein at Koblenz. Located on a 180 meters high rock the history of this place dates back to the 16th century, first settlements found can be dated back even to the year 4,000 BCE. The fortress was used by German and French forces and served to protect the region underneath. Over time it was used as a jail, a center for displaced persons, an archive and a storage for atomic waste.

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Deutsches Eck

Deutsches Eck, Koblenz

Every year a lot of tourists visits a land tongue at the confluence over the rivers Mosel and Rhein: the Deutsches Eck at Koblenz. On it you can find the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Denkmal, a problematic memorial when looking at the design and the inscriptions. It features the monarchy and nationalism, it includes the former eastern parts of Germany (east prussia, silesia and pomerania) in the list of German federal states.

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