I was growing up in the northern part of Göttingen. Close to the home of my parents was the factory building of Sartorius, producing pharmaceutical and laboratory equipment. And this area was for sure closed, you couldn’t look behind the walls surrounding it. With the extension of the company and the continuous move to the industrial area in the city quarter Grone the former company area (now called Sartorius-Quartier) was opened up. It now contains a restaurant with a rooftop bar, a life science innovation hub, a hotel, shops, numerous flats and a new event location, the Sheddach-Halle.

If you’re not used to this name: a Sheddach or saw-tooth roof is the typical form of the roof of a factory building. If you look at the icon used to mark industrial zones you always see a saw-tooth roof. The Sheddachhalle at the Sartorius-Quartier is a wonderful event location that can be changed to suit the needs of many different events. The atmosphere created by the old buildings made of red bricks combined with the modern glass facade is really charming. I came here for a reading by soul and R&B singer Joy Denalane during the Literaturherbst. She read from the book Corregidora by Gayl Jones. If you want to attend an event here, better arrive by public transport: the parking lots around are very much limited.
Annastraße 29
37075 Göttingen
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