
Underground Pader well, Kaiserpfalz, Paderborn

In the 8th century Charles the Great created the Pfalz Paderborn as one of his seats. At was lost over time but in 1964 the basis of this ancient building was rediscovered during construction works. It has then been preserved and made visible – and directly next to it the LWL-Museum in der Kaiserpfalz has been built. This museum exhibits historic findings of the area underneath an amazing event location.

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Drei-Hasen-Fenster, Dom, Paderborn

The cathedral in the city center of Paderborn, Germany, is dedicated to three saints and therefore it is officially named Hoher Dom St. Maria, St. Liborius, St. Kilian. The current cathedral dates back to the 13th century CE, but its predecessors might have stood there already five centuries earlier. The building is 104 meters long and the tower 93 meters high, it is really an impressive building.

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Paderquellgebiet, Paderborn

What I like about Paderborn is that the history of the city is all about life at the water. In the 8th century Charles the Great conquered the area of Paderborn to rule over the Saxons living there. He built the Karlsburg fortress and later the Pfalz Paderborn to convert the Saxons to Christianity. Charles used the area around the wells of the short river Pader and brought them under control of the church. Later the city of Paderborn was created around them as the source of life for this new city.

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Now & then

City model, Historisches Museum, Frankfurt am Main

Directly next to the Römerberg of Frankfurt am Main you will find two buildings that together form the Historisches Museum Frankfurt, a fantastic opportunity to learn more about the city at the river Main. It was founded in 1877 with the task to collect items that are relevant to the history of the city. Today it is a combination of at least three museums: the collectors museum exhibiting all the private collections donated to the city, the young museum for children and the city museum giving you insight into Frankfurts past and present.

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Diemardener Warte

Diemardener Warte, Gleichen

In medieval times it was important to know very fast what’s happening around your city. Therefore Göttingen hat a set of watchtowers (‘Warten‘) and the Diemardener Warte is one of the few that are preserved. You can reach it when leaving Göttingen to the south in the direction of Gleichen. It was built in the year 1409 and you can enjoy views on Göttingen, Klein Lengden and Diemarden from there.

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City history

Städtisches Museum, Göttingen

Like every city, Göttingen is collecting items relevant to the history of the region. That’s the task of the Städtisches Museum located in the Hardenberger Hof. It was created in 1883 and was first placed in the Grätzelhaus at the Goetheallee. In 1897 it moved to its current location, an ancient building from the year 1592. The building was continuously extended but the buildings have two central drawbacks: they are not visible from the pedestrian zone (even though it is not far away) and maintaining these old buildings costs a lot of money.

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Casa Manolo Segundo

Casa Manolo Segundo, Kassel

The city of Kassel, Germany, has many good restaurant options for different tastes. And if it comes to original Spanish tapas, these small portions of delicious food, you need to search a bit: the Casa Manolo Segundo is your best option and located close to the city center, but it is slightly hidden ‘hinter der Kömodie‘, behind the theater in the Friedrich-Ebert-Straße. The good thing about this is that you’ll always find a parking lot in front, once you find the right crossroad.

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Biotop Flütewehr, Göttingen

When the people of Göttingen leave their homes for an extended walk, they most often go to the Kehr, the surrounding forest, the Kerstlingeröder Feld, or the Kiessee. But many people also prefer to spend their time in the south of the city, very often close to the Flütewehr. There a dam redirects river Leine to the east, leaving only a small stream called Flüte who passes the Kiessee. They dam can be used to cross the river and close-by dogs can swim in the water. As the newest addition a biotope with zebus has been created.

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Der Kuhhirte

Zum Kuhhirten, Bremen

The Kuhhirte (cowherd) is a traditional German restaurant serving local dishes from northern Germany. It is located on the large river island (Werder) in the river Weser close to Bremen, Germany. The restaurant is not only a good location for lunch or for a beer in their beer garden – it also played an important role in the history of the city. On the February 4th, 1899 here the soccer club SV Werder Bremen was founded. That is also the reason why the club carries the Werder (meaning ‘river island‘) in its name.

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