St. Albani

St. Albani, Göttingen

The protestant church St. Albani at Göttingen, Germany is unfortunately one of these churches you typically won’t recognize – even as a local. It is standing next to a giant parking area belonging to the Stadthalle event hall, in an area of the city center you won’t visit that often. Most people see it just from the reverse side as it was once standing directly next to the fortifications of the city.

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The Road of Freedom

Road to freedom memorial, Vilnius

In 1939 Nazi Germany and the Soviet union signed the Hitler-Stalin Pact also called Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact because it was in fact signed by the two foreign ministers at Москва́. As part of this treaty of non-aggression the Baltic states were declared to be part of the Soviet union in the future. 50 years later the people of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania declared their desire for independence by creating a 650 kilometers long humain chain – the longest human chain in history.

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Televizijos bokštas

TV tower, Vilnius

TV towers are always a good option to get another view on the city. The one at Vilnius, Lithuania (Televizijos bokštas) is a bit special as it doesn’t have an outdoor platform. Instead you’ll find a restaurant inside with seats at the windows – and these seats continuously rotate around the tower. Therefore you can sit back, relax and see all of the surroundings of the tower while sipping a coffee or having dinner.

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Railway station, Vilnius

The railway station (stotis) of Vilnius, Lithuania is a little bit outside the city centre and it is quite special. It doesn’t have a modern station building but it feels for me like a more human-friendly station then most ones in western Europe. Inside the building which was once used to unload and store goods there is a bar with sunbeds on the platform – and a giant statue of a men in bathrobe and briefs.

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Šv. apaštalų Petro ir Povilo

St. Peter and Paul, Vilnius

I didn’t know what to expect when taking the long walk to the St. Peter and Paul church a little bit aside of the city center of Vilnius, Lithuania. The high number of tourist busses in front of the church were a first indicator that something impressive is waiting inside. It is a catholic church in baroque style that contains a massive amount of white stucco inside. Take your time to discover all the beautiful artworks distributed throughout the church.

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Gediminas tower

Gediminas tower, Vilnius

The Gediminas tower or Gedimino pilies bokštas is the town’s landmark of Vilnius, Lithuania. It is a tower made of red bricks standing on a 142 meters high hill close to the river Neris. It is the only preserved tower of the castle built in 1323 by Gediminas the Grand Duke of Lithuana. You can take the Gediminas hill lift, visit the museum inside the tower and climb on top of it to enjoy good views.

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Cathedral square

Cathedral square, Vilnius

The cathedral square is one of the most impressive public spaces in Vilnius, Lithuania. It is dominated by the Vilnius cathedral (Vilniaus Šv. vyskupo Stanislovo ir Šv. Vladislovo arkikatedra bazilika) in neoclassicistic style which was opened in 1801. The 52 meters high bell tower is standing separately next to the building – which is typical for churches in the Baltic area. It plays an important role in Lithuanian history as the Grand Dukes were crowned and important Lithuanian personalities are buried here.

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Castle, Kaunas

Kaunas is the second largest city of Lithuania with around 300.000 inhabitants and is located at the confluence of the two rivers Nemunas and Neris. A castle at this place was first mentioned in the year 1361. It later became an important center of Jewish life in the region. When in 1920 Vilnius, the capital city of Lithuania became Polnish the city of Kaunas became provisory capital city until 1940.

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Kryžių kalnas

Hill of Crosses, Lithuania

The most famous place in rural Lithuana is the hill of crosses (Kryžių kalnas) near Šiauliai. It is a catholic place of pilgrimage that many tourists visit. Countless crosses are assembled on a ten meters high hill and you can walk on a wooden path between the more than 100.000 crosses – or buy one at the shop yourself and add it to the collection.

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