Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey, London

Concerning the royal family the most important church in London, United Kingdom is Westminster Abbey, located close to the Houses of Parliament. The kings and monarchs are crowned and buried here. The abbey was built from 1045 on and the current church was begun in the year 1240. The towers have been added by Sir Christopher Wren from the year 1722 on.

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Big Ben

Big Ben, London

A hugh bell in one of the towers of the Houses of Parliament in London, United Kingdom is called Big Ben – but people tend to use the name for the whole tower. The correct name since the crown jubilee in 2012 is Elizabeth tower. It is now named after Queen Elizabeth – and another tower of the parliament is named after her mother Victoria.

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Church, mountain, island

Le Mont-Saint-Michel, Pontorson

Le Mont-Saint-Michel is a town with 41 inhabitants and 3.5 million visitors a year close to Pontorson, France. It is the most visited tourist spot outside Paris and consists of a magically placed church on a small island at the Atlantic, surrounded by a small town and walls. In earlier days you could only get there at low tide, nowadays you can walk or take a shuttle bus the whole day. Continue reading “Church, mountain, island”

Cathedral of Basel

Münster, Basel

The Basler Münster is the most important church in Basel, Switzerland. It is made of red freestone and is easily recognizable because of the geometric forms on its muticolored roof. The town lean towers can be seen from many parts of the city. It has been built between the years 1019 and 1500 CE in gothic style. Today it is used for protestant devine service. Continue reading “Cathedral of Basel”