Breakfast service

Hann. Münden, Germany

Going to church on a sunday morning was never so pleasant than in Hann. Münden, Germany. That is because of a church close to the city center that has been transformed into a coffee bar where you can have a nice breakfast or a piece of cake. It’s quite a strange feeling to dine on an old altar, but this place has its own very special atmosphere.

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Train into the mountain

Lautenthal, Germany

There are a lot of old mines in the Harz mountains you can visit – but not many offer to enter them by train. At the mining museum in Lautenthal, Germany (belonging to Langelsheim near Goslar) you can in addition also try to go by boat into the dark. This is possible because the miners established a multiple kilometers long transport system with small boats throughtout the mountains. Continue reading “Train into the mountain”


Ingolstadt, Germany

The Kreuztor ist the town’s landmark of Ingolstadt, Germany. It is the only original city gate still standing and was once the connection to the leper house “Holy cross” – therefore the name (“Kreuz” = “cross”). It has been built in 1385 and carries seven medieval turrets.

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On top of the highest mountain

Brocken, Harz mountains, Germany

The 1141 meter high Brocken is the highest mountain in northern Germany, belonging to the Harz mountains. It is also called Blocksberg, a special name used in conjunction with witchcraft and witches meeting there as described within the famous “Faust: The First Part of the Tragedy” of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. The Brocken is today a famous touristic region used especially for hiking.

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Brockenbahn, Brocken, Germany

Riding a light railway train, especially when it is equipped with a steam engine, is a unique experience. It’s a fascinating technology and I like watching the locomotive being refueled with water and I always enjoy watching the steam hovering through the air and the surrounding trees. A good opportunity to do this is the Brockenbahn in the Harz mountains. Continue reading “Brockenbahn”


Weserstein, Hann. Münden

Hann. Münden, Germany is the place where the two rivers Werra and Fulda combine to a new stream called Weser – which is running through northern Germany to the North sea. In fact there was a linguistic border here and Werra and Weser are the same name in different dialects. The Fulda is therefore only a river floating into the Werra/Weser. But today nobody cares about this. Continue reading “Weserstein”