Where to go for a bachelor party? If you live in Northern Germany and can afford to not only go to the next bigger city, Amsterdam, the Netherlands always comes to your mind first. And it is a good choice! We put the groom into a costume and told him that he has to sell small items at the pedestrian zone of Göttingen, Germany.
Continue reading “Bachelor party at Amsterdam”SV Werder Bremen
Since 2009 I’m proud supporter of my soccer club, the SV Werder Bremen (and since 2020 also lifetime member). The “SVW” is number two in the all-time Bundesliga table and playing at its home stadium, the Weserstadion, in Bremen – close to the city centre at the Osterdeich. I got addicted by trips to different stadiums to see the team play live – and even today it is always a good reason to travel to other cities.
Continue reading “SV Werder Bremen”Science, Schnitzel & Stephansdom
I received the chance to get to Wien, Austria for a scientific conference at the local university. We had good presentations and discussions – and a nice evening event at the fantastic town hall. During the conference I had only very limited time for sightseeing – mostly in the night.
Continue reading “Science, Schnitzel & Stephansdom”Verona, Venezia & Lago di Garda
My first visit to the wonderful city of Verona, Italy! While a friend of mine was studying there I came over for some days to explore the city – something done best of you have a local or at least someone who knows the city nearly by heart. So I made my first contact with the city of Romeo and Juliet.
Continue reading “Verona, Venezia & Lago di Garda”First conference, first time in Asia
After finishing my diploma thesis I prepared my first scientific publication about the usage of apps for public transport navigation on mobile phones – and what was nearer than to present it at a conference in the biggest city of the world, where public transport plays a very important role? Therefore I went to Tōkyō, Japan and spoke about my results.
Continue reading “First conference, first time in Asia”Public transport
Getting around Tōkyō, Japan is easy if you once understood the systems and know how to get a ticket. There are JR train, subway and bus networks – the latter you only need for more remote locations. Remember: you enter busses in the rear and pay when you exit in front. Continue reading “Public transport”
Tea ceremony
Something you should really do while being in Japan is a traditional Japanese tea ceremony. A great place to do so in Tōkyō is the tea house within Hamarikyū garden. It is located on a house within a pond surrounded by green fields.
Continue reading “Tea ceremony”Night shift
In a crowded city like Tōkyō, Japan the transportation plays an important role. Road construction works or interruptations in public transport could cause major problems – and are therefore often carried out at night and in high speed – something Europe can really learn from.
Continue reading “Night shift”Why not?
Japan is a country where things are done differently than in the west. And you always start thinking about the things that seem normal to you and that you’ve never questioned. I wonder why in Europe nobody hat the idea to hang up the items of a gasoline station – it safes a lot of space.
Continue reading “Why not?”