Entering São Paulo

Praça de Sé, São Paulo

São Paulo is one of the biggest cities in Brazil und going by car into the town is quite an adventure. I wouldn’t say that traffic is as mad as in Marseille, but it is definitivly close to it. Especially the motorways around the city are special: Most times four lanes going parallel, then two surprisingly change their direction or cross the other two via a bridge. A miracle, if you arrive without getting lost at least once.

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Feel like being at Hawaii

Havaianas, Brazil

There are some things I would never ever do at home, like walking around without a shirt or wearing flip-flops. I still remember this annoying sound of (mostly female) students walking around with these minimalistic sandals in front of my office door. But coming to Brazil makes doing those things a pure necessity because of the high temperature, especially if you are arriving from a much more chilly country like Germany.

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Wismar is a small town located Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany, 30 km north of Schwerin. Why should one go there? The old town is in fact a World Heritage site of UNESCO. If you’re close by you should drop in to see the marketplace, the small houses – or to get some fresh fish.

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