Terra Sancta

City wall, Jerusalem

When I had to select the destination for my 34th birthday, Israel came into my mind – mainly because I wanted to see Yad Vashem. When I started to talk about this idea I was bothered with a lot of security issues. Friends and family didn’t like the idea of me being at an unsafe area influenced by the conflict between Israel and Palestine. When travelling throughout Brazil I read Breaking news by Frank Schätzing (which in some part tells the history of Israel and the storyline is also situated at Jerusalem) and the decision to go to the Holy Land finally was made.

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Ensuring water supply (and other needs)

Modi'in, Israel

Israel is a country with a very good infrastructure and getting snacks and something to drink was absolutely no-frills. But within Jerusalem I only found small shops and no big supermarket chains where you could simply fill your trunk with some bottles of mineral water – as I normally do while travelling throughout countries with high temperatures; a pure necessity.

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The goat and the milk

Hummus, Haifa

When travelling through Israel you will often read that restaurants are kosher. Or even if you don’t recognize this, the rules of the Thora and the Bible will influence what you’ll get to eat. At first Jews are only allowed to eat mammals that are cloven-hoofed and ruminants (no pigs, no rabbits, no horses) or that have scales and fins (no clams, no prawns, no lobster).

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