The Feinkostfleischerei Schumann (also known as Ritter der Rotwurst) is one of the things making living in Hann. Münden, Germany great. It is a butcher’s shop with a French bistro and a restaurant in the pedestrian zone close to the old town hall.
Continue reading “Knights of the black pudding”Westfalen-Therme
The Westfalen-Therme is a spa and sauna with a restaurant and hotel next to it in Bad Lippspringe, Germany – close to Paderborn. It is one of these places I normally would never get to; but we received a voucher for this spa as a wedding present and therefore made our way to Westphalia. No bad idea! Continue reading “Westfalen-Therme”
The Externsteine near Horn-Bad Meinberg, Germany are outstanding sandstone rocks near a lake and surrounded by forest. They were once one rock but over the centuries water has washed out the weaker materials. In all times this rock formation has attracted the people and many myths exist. Continue reading “Externsteine”
Two and a half hours
Every time I get to the Karlsplatz in Kassel, Germany I remember that this city has some nice hidden places you normally don’t get to. And next to it in the backyard of the CineStar cinema you can find a sushi restaurant that seems to be less frequented than the others in the city center. Continue reading “Two and a half hours”
‘Do not grow old, no matter how long you live.
Never cease to stand like curious children
before the great mystery into which we were born.’
– Albert Einstein
Hoher Hagen
Between Göttingen and Hann. Münden on the grounds of the small city Dransfeld, Germany you can find the mountain Hoher Hagen. It is one of the most northern former volcanoes in Germany. In the past people came here for a coffee or a lunch in the restaurant at the now closed Gaußturm. But it is still worth a trip: you can walk through an old basalt quarry, enjoy good views or ride your sledge in winter times. Continue reading “Hoher Hagen”
Lost Gaußturm
If you get close to the mountain Hoher Hagen near Dransfeld, Germany you will see a tower named after the famous mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauß. For Gauß this mountain was important as he used it to measure the kingdom of Hannover by creating a triangle with the Brocken (in the Harz mountains) and the Großer Inselsberg (near Gotha, Germany).
Continue reading “Lost Gaußturm”Kloster Bursfelde
The Kloster Bursfelde in Bursfelde, belonging to Hann. Münden, Germany is an old Benedictine cloister dating back to the year 1093 CE. It is today used for meetings and concerts. The buildings are located at the place where river Nieme runs into the Weser. Continue reading “Kloster Bursfelde”
Breakfast at the Weser
The mill once belonging to the Kloster Bursfelde in Bursfelde, near Hann. Münden, Germany is today well-known to the locals because of the hotel and restaurant located inside. It lies close to the rivers Nieme and Weser and has a terrace with good views on the water (even so it is next to a road). Continue reading “Breakfast at the Weser”
If your looking for a good piece of cake and a hot cup of coffee you might like the Bauernhofcafé Erlenhof in Beverungen, Germany. It is a farm on a hill close to the river Weser where you can enjoy your coffee break or a simple lunch. Continue reading “Erlenhof”