
Bollywood Palace, Hann. Münden

When I hear the word “Bollywood”, strange Indian dance movies come to my mind and I rather would not visit a restaurant named after it. Now that there is a place called “Bollywood Palace” in Hann. Münden, Germany I needed a bit of pressure to try it – especially as it looks like a fast-food restaurant from the outside. Continue reading “Bollywood?”

Berlin Zoo

Berlin, Germany

The “Zoologischer Garten Berlin” is the oldest zoological garden in Germany. Martin Hinrich Lichtenstein, zoologist of the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin (today: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) persuaded king Frederick William IV of Prussia in 1841 to give money and land for a zoological garden. Today 18.000 animals of 1.400 species are living there. Continue reading “Berlin Zoo”

Fish mob

Berlin, Germany

The aquarium in Berlin, Germany is part of the zoological garden. You can visit it solely or buy a combined ticket. It has been opened in 1913 and looks a bit old-fashioned: no big tanks, no glass tunnels to walk through; only classic fish tanks with the most beautiful fishes of the world. In addition reptiles, frogs and butterflies can be found here, too. Continue reading “Fish mob”

Agents gateway

Potsdam, Germany

The Glienicker Brücke is a bridge spanning the river Havel and the cities Berlin and Potsdam in Germany. Therefore it was a bridge from the FDR to the GDR while Germany was devided. Because of its remote position it was used as a checkpoint for military staff and a place to exhange secret agents that have been captured. Continue reading “Agents gateway”