The Al Dar is a Syrian restaurant in Hannover, Germany. It is easily reachable by public transport because of its location close to the main railway station. The interior is beautifully designed, the service is great and it is quite big: it spreads on three levels. Continue reading “Al Dar”
The Maschsee
The Maschsee is an urban lake in Hannover, Germany close to the town hall and the soccer stadium. It is 2.4 kilometers long and has been artificially created in the beginning of the 1930s. It is used for sailing and canoeing and it is a nice place for a walk. It was built to protect the city of Hannover from floods that occurred because the rivers of the area have been straightened. Continue reading “The Maschsee”
Hann. Münden, Germany was once the most southern port of the kingdom of Hanover. The port area was and is located in the north of the city, along the Weser – directly opposite of the Weserstein. Today you can still see the tracks of the Hannöversche Südbahn connecting the port and the remains of a port building. Continue reading “Weserumschlagstelle”
Playground in the trees
The national park of Hainich in Thüringen, Germany offers old virgin forests. People get there for hiking but it gained another tourist magnet in 2005: A high metal path leading through the treetops. Two tracks with a length of 250 meters each are situated in the top and above the trees. It is much like the path in Bad Harzburg, Germany but also very different. Continue reading “Playground in the trees”
When I hear the word “Bollywood”, strange Indian dance movies come to my mind and I rather would not visit a restaurant named after it. Now that there is a place called “Bollywood Palace” in Hann. Münden, Germany I needed a bit of pressure to try it – especially as it looks like a fast-food restaurant from the outside. Continue reading “Bollywood?”
Berlin Zoo
The “Zoologischer Garten Berlin” is the oldest zoological garden in Germany. Martin Hinrich Lichtenstein, zoologist of the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin (today: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) persuaded king Frederick William IV of Prussia in 1841 to give money and land for a zoological garden. Today 18.000 animals of 1.400 species are living there. Continue reading “Berlin Zoo”
Fish mob
The aquarium in Berlin, Germany is part of the zoological garden. You can visit it solely or buy a combined ticket. It has been opened in 1913 and looks a bit old-fashioned: no big tanks, no glass tunnels to walk through; only classic fish tanks with the most beautiful fishes of the world. In addition reptiles, frogs and butterflies can be found here, too. Continue reading “Fish mob”
The Heilandskirche
If you leave Berlin, Germany via Kladow you won’t recognize that you have left Berlin and entered the federal state of Brandenburg. On small roads you can reach Sacrow, belonging to Potsdam. This place offers a small castle, a wonderful park and directly at the river Havel, the Heilandskirche. Continue reading “The Heilandskirche”
Agents gateway
The Glienicker Brücke is a bridge spanning the river Havel and the cities Berlin and Potsdam in Germany. Therefore it was a bridge from the FDR to the GDR while Germany was devided. Because of its remote position it was used as a checkpoint for military staff and a place to exhange secret agents that have been captured. Continue reading “Agents gateway”
Pack die Badehose ein
What to do if it is really hot and you’re in a big city like Berlin, Germany? Well, there are some outdoor pools in different parts of the city, but there is also a unique opportunity: in the south of Berlin the river Havel forms a natural bay and along its shore there is a sand beach.
Continue reading “Pack die Badehose ein”