Maybe the best way to get to Sweden from Germany is to take a ferry boat. We decided for the TT-Line that goes from Travemünde, Germany to Trelleborg, Sweden. As we started near Kassel, Germany and wanted to go to Fåglfors, Sweden this meant that it was in the middle of our trip. We took a night departure that starts at 10pm and arrives at 7:30am. So we slept on board and the eight hours car ride didn’t feel as long as as it was. Continue reading “Ferry to Sweden”
Waiting for the ferry
This year we went by ferry to Sweden – with the TT-Line from Travemünde, Germany to Trelleborg, Sweden. Because of potential traffic jams we wanted to go to Travemünde some hours in advance. But what to do if there is no traffic jam? And where to have breakfast on the way back? It didn’t seem to be a good idea to get up early on the ship and have a very fast breakfast there as we where traveling with out child. Continue reading “Waiting for the ferry”
Sri Lanka at the Weser
I didn’t know what to expect when we decided to go to the restaurant “Zum Weserblick” at Hann. Münden, Germany. It is located quite remote at the outskirts of the already remote city quarter Gimte. And the name seemed to be unusual is I read that they are also serving specialties from Sri Lanka. Continue reading “Sri Lanka at the Weser”
Safari by car
I dislike to be at the office on my birthday. That is why we decided to go to the Serengeti-Park at Hodenhagen, Germany. If you grew up at Lower Saxony and your parents listened to the radio you know this place – because of its advertisement which is a catchy tune. Main feature is a safari through different zones of the world with the respective animals that you can do in your own car. Continue reading “Safari by car”
Feeding wild animals
It is known as the Bergwildpark Meißner and as the Wildpark Germerode but don’t be confused: it is only one place. At Germerode, Meißner, Germany you will find a park with wild animals that wait for you getting inside and feeding them. Getting in touch with goats, stags and deer is real fun for children (and yes, for adults as well).
Opium poppies
With an allowance of the Bundesopiumstelle a farmer at Meißner–Germerode, Germany has created multiple fields of beautiful opium poppies (containing only a low amount of the drug). You can walk on mulched paths through the poppy fields, learn more about growing poppies and you’ll find numerous photo opportunities.
When leaving the motorway A7 and passing on the Bundesstraße 3 from Hedemünden to Hann. Münden, Germany we observed a small hut in the forest high above the valley of river Werra which must give good views. For a long time we wondered how to get there.
Continue reading “Kramberg-Schutzhütte”Neuer jüdischer Friedhof
The current Jewish cemetery of Hann. Münden, Germany is located at the city quarter Gimte next to the mountain Questenberg. You have to follow the street Heidewinkel, pass under the old railway track and behind that you can park your car and walk 200 meters up the hill to find it.
The Stadtbäckerei & Konditorei Mengel is my favorite bakery in Hann. Münden, Germany. And that is not only because they produce great rolls and cake or because they have friendly staff – they always donate food for charity events in the city.
It’s a nice idea you can find nowadays in many German cities: people get together on a public place to have breakfast together and collect donations. At Hann. Münden, Germany the Spendenparlament organizes the Bürgerfrühstück and for every table they receive 50 Euros which they use to support projects and organizations within the city.