The Museu Coleção Berardo is an art museum located in the Centro Cultural de Belém in Lisboa, Portugal – not far from the Mosteiro dos Jerónimos. It is a wonderful place for modern and contemporary art. The museum was opened in 2007 and hosts the collection of José Berardo. Continue reading “Museu Coleção Berardo”
Museu Calouste Gulbenkian
The Museu Calouste Gulbenkian is a huge art museum in Lisboa, Portugal. It is named after a British engineer with Armenian roots who was a pioneer in oil production in the Middle East – and used his money to collect art. The museum consists of different buildings in a park. Continue reading “Museu Calouste Gulbenkian”
Museu Nacional do Azulejo
Within the old cloister Madre de Deus at Lisboa, Portugal you can find the Museo Nacional do Azulejo (maybe the hardest Portuguese word to pronounce). It is a museum about painted tiles and exhibits numerous artworks on ceramic tiles. Continue reading “Museu Nacional do Azulejo”
Concorde & Tupolew
The Auto- und Technikmuseum at Sinsheim, Germany is a museum for cars, planes, railways and other technologies like that. It is located in and industrial zone close to the Sinsheim and belongs to the Technikmuseum at Speyer. They share some principles like that you are able to enter a lot of vehicles and look around inside. Continue reading “Concorde & Tupolew”
Museum Ludwig
The Museum Ludwig is an art Collection covering the 20th and 21th century CE in Köln, Germany. It is located next to the Roman-Germanic museum, the Kölner Dom and the main railway station. It has been opened in 1976 after collectors Peter and Irene Ludwig donated 350 works of pop-art to the city. The current building dates back to 1986. Continue reading “Museum Ludwig”
The chocolate museum
Chocolate is a very much beloved sweetie and it is therefore no wonder that there is a chocolate museum, located on a peninsula in Köln, Germany. In fact the Imhoff-Schokoladenmuseum is with 650.000 visitors each year the most visited museum of Köln and one of the ten most visited museums in Germany. Continue reading “The chocolate museum”
The Museum Pfalzgalerie Kaiserslautern is an art museum opened in 1880 in Kaiserslautern, Germany. It collects paintings and statues from the 19th to the 21st century CE and is located close to the city center and the new townhall skyscraper. When we were there the had a nice exhibition about privacy and big data. Continue reading “Pfalzgalerie”
Railway museum
Children love trains and it is therefore no secret hint that the railway museum of Deutsche Bahn in Nürnberg, Germany is a good place to visit. Additional exhibitions of the museum can be found in Koblenz and Halle (Saale). The museum was opened in 1899 and is also known as the Verkehrsmuseum Nürnberg. The building also includes the Museum für Kommunikation (museum of communication). Continue reading “Railway museum”
A journey through desert and ice
If you’ve got no time or money for travelling around the globe – try the Klimahaus in Bremerhaven, Germany. It is a museum located in a futuristic building within the Havenwelten complex educating about the impact of humans on the planet. It was opened in 2009 by the Irish musician Bob Geldof. The biggest section is a journey along the 8th degree of longitude east, the other two areas are called perspectives and chances. Here you can for example learn how to reduce your personal carbon footprint. Continue reading “A journey through desert and ice”
Windstärke 10
The “Windstärke 10” is a maritime museum in Cuxhaven, Germany – telling stories about the fishing industry and ship wrecks. It is located in a nice building close to the harbour but doesn’t contain too many exhibits. It has been created in 2013 as a combination of two former museums. The museum shows the problems of seafaring, you can learn about quotas for fishermen and their nets and knots. Continue reading “Windstärke 10”