It’s a nice idea you can find nowadays in many German cities: people get together on a public place to have breakfast together and collect donations. At Hann. Münden, Germany the Spendenparlament organizes the Bürgerfrühstück and for every table they receive 50 Euros which they use to support projects and organizations within the city.
Alter jüdischer Friedhof
The traces of Jewish life at Hann. Münden, Germany are quite hidden. That is because of the fact that since the Nazi times there is no active community in the city, it has been fully destroyed by fascism. You can find a memorial near the old town hall and two cemeteries.
It is hard to imagine nowadays but once there was a 6 kilometers long ropeway high above the largest city quarter of Hann. Münden, Germany: the Kattenbühl. The ropeway began near the Kleiner Steinberg, went nearly straight through the forest and ended close to the railway station of Hann. Münden at Schulzenrode. Continue reading “Steinberg-Drahtseilbahn”
The Buddeleichenhütte in Hann. Münden is just a protective hut for hikers high above the city quarter Kattenbühl in the Kaufunger Wald. It might be a target destination for a short walk along the Eselsbach but it is most often a waypoint when continuing via the Fuhrmannstein to the Rinderstall (for some cake and a cup of coffee) or the Hühnerfeld (where you can walk through a swamp on a wooden path). Continue reading “Buddeleichenhütte”
Cruising on Fulda and Weser
Hann. Münden, Germany is a city located at three rivers: Werra, Fulda and Weser. Obviously going on a boat tour is a good idea. And as the owners of the Rehbein-Linie are searching already since a long time for someone to take over their business and their ship named Europa we decided to do it now before it might become impossibly. Continue reading “Cruising on Fulda and Weser”
Animals and chocolate
On a weekend in October 2017 I decided to go alone to Köln, Germany to watch a soccer match between Werder Bremen and the 1. FC Köln. And of course I used the time to go to the zoo and the chocolate museum, too. When I came home I told my family about my visit and the reaction was foreseeable: we want to go there, too! Continue reading “Animals and chocolate”
Transrapid & more
The Deutsches Museum Bonn in Bonn, Germany is a remote location of the Deutsches Museum in München. It has been opened in 1995 and is located at the Wissenschaftszentrum Bonn – the heart of the German scientific community hosting most important science organisations.
Continue reading “Transrapid & more”Easter fire
The tradition of making a big fire at Easter is widespread throughout Germany. When I was young I never joined one of these events. I was always living in a city and these fires mostly take place at the villages around and are organized by the local volunteer firefighters. Continue reading “Easter fire”
Second longest train tunnel
What you might only recognize when passing by in an ICE or IC train is the fact that under the Kattenbühl in Hann. Münden, Germany there is Germany’s second longest railway tunnel on the Nord-Süd-Strecke connecting Hannover with Frankfurt am Main: the Mündener Tunnel. The trains pass deep under the forest in this more than 10 kilometers long tunnel. Continue reading “Second longest train tunnel”
Beginning of spring
Shortly before Easter we went to Berlin, Germany to do some sightseeing and visit the family. After some weeks of freezing cold temperatures spring was coming and brought us some sunny days. We checked-in again at the simple but good Sperlingshof at Dallgow-Döberitz and started our visit. Continue reading “Beginning of spring”