The Fernsehturm of Berlin, Germany is visible from nearly everywhere in the city. And if you want you can get easily by elevator into the giant ball in the sky and watch the German capital from up above. Until today I didn’t meet too many locals or foreigners that went up – but now we tried this experience. Continue reading “High above Berlin”
Düsterer Kellerbrunnen
The Düsterer Kellerbrunnen in Hann. Münden, Germany is just a small well where water comes out of a plastic tube that runs into river Werra. But it is the perfect destination for hiking on the Blümer Berg – because volunteers together with trainees and the local Bauverein (a housing corporation) created a nice hut there. Continue reading “Düsterer Kellerbrunnen”
Urwald Sababurg
Welcome to the jungle! Not too far away from the entrance of the Tierpark Sababurg in Hofgeismar, Germany you will find a bus stop named ‘Urwald‘ and a parking lot. From here you can explore the Urwald Sababurg, a forest with trees nearly untouched for hundreds of years. Continue reading “Urwald Sababurg”
Modellbahnwelt Odenwald
The Modellbahnwelt Odenwald is a miniature railway exhibition based on track size H0 in Fürth im Odenwald, Germany. It is located in a large industrial hall and consists mostly of bought and integrated landscapes. The first ones were bought in 2008 from the Harzer Modellbahnzentrum and in 2012 the exhibition moved to the current location. Continue reading “Modellbahnwelt Odenwald”
Sächsische Schweiz
The Sächsische Schweiz is the German part of the Elbe Sandstone Mountains (Elbsandsteingebirge) in Lohmen, Germany – not far away from Dresden. Once there was a sea in this region which created beautiful sandstone rocks. Both parts – in Germany as well as in the Czech Republic – have been declared as nature protection areas. Continue reading “Sächsische Schweiz”
Blaues Wunder
The Loschwitzer Brücke (König-Albert-Brücke until 1912) is a 280 meters long metal bridge spanning the river Elbe in Dresden, Germany. It is an example for German engineering art as to allow ships passing unhindered it was not allowed to have pillars in the water. It is therefore commonly referred to not by its name but by the title Blaues Wunder (blue wonder). Continue reading “Blaues Wunder”
Soccer history
The soccer world championship 2010 in Germany created enough revenue and therefore the German football association (DFB) decided to create a national soccer museum – the Deutsches Fußballmuseum. Dortmund, Germany was selected to be the best location and it opened its gates in 2015. Continue reading “Soccer history”
Soos and Císařský pramen
Somewhere in the Czech Republic close to Skalná and not to far from the border to Germany you can find the nature protection area Soos – which means swamp in the local dialect. It is a special area because nearly 200 hot mineral springs come up here what makes the area beautiful in all seasons. Continue reading “Soos and Císařský pramen”
Hrad Loket
Loket, Czech Republic is an extraordinary beautiful city because of its location: it is situated on a rocky mountain that is nearly totally surrounded by river Ohře that floats around it. On the highest point you will find the castle Loket (“Elbogen” in German) from the 12th century CE. Continue reading “Hrad Loket”
In the Ore Mountains belonging to Germany and the Czech Republic there was more to find than ore – also silver, cobalt and uranium for example. One place where miners digged down deep into the earth was Annaberg-Buchholz, Germany. At the Markus-Röhling-Stolln they gathered silver and cobalt between 1500 and 1857. Continue reading “Markus-Röhling-Stolln”