The Grätzelhaus at the Goetheallee is the biggest baroque-style building in Göttingen, Germany. It is named after the textile maker Johann Heinrich Grätzel born 1691 who fastly became the most important entrepreneur of the city. It has mighty columns and is decorated with Athena (for science) and Hermes (for trading).
The Wall
The Göttinger Stadtwall is a former fortification of the city of Göttingen, Germany. At first only a small part of the city center was surrounded by walls – you can still see some parts of the inner zone at the Mauerstraße (‘wall street’). In 1326 the city was allowed to build the today still visible Stadtwall and building it needed 200 years.
Continue reading “The Wall”Alter Stadtfriedhof
The Alter Stadtfriedhof is the vast former cemetery of Göttingen, Germany. It was created in 1879 at the border to the village Grone which is now a city quarter. It contains wide alleyways, a nice chapel, a lake and many graves of important persons.
Gut Herbigshagen
Gut Herbigshagen near Duderstadt, Germany is the headquarters of the Heinz-Sielmann-Stiftung, a nature protection organisation founded in 1994. Their goals are to get children in contact with nature and to protect endangered species. The founder Heinz Sielmann is also buried here. Continue reading “Gut Herbigshagen”
The Tannenkamp is a small mountain with a wonderful forest close to the city quarter Kattenbühl of Hann. Münden, Germany. On top you will find an open-air stage (the Freilichtbühne Tannenkamp) and the best forest to play in – with nice little valleys to explore, mountains to climb and small paths to follow between the trees. Continue reading “Tannenkamp”
The Klusteich or the Klusteiche (the rear one is inaccessible and a protected nature reserve) are lakes near the Schedetal between Volkmarshausen (belonging to Hann. Münden) and Scheden. After parking your car at the Schede river you have to walk some meters into the forest. Continue reading “Klusteich”
Kleiner Steinberg
The Kleiner Steinberg within the Kaufunger Wald close to Hann. Münden, Germany is a 541 meters high mountain consisting of basalt and brown coal. Both materials were mined there for centuries – until 1961. The old main building is today the Waldpädagogikzentrum Haus Steinberg (an educational facility) and the mining areas now form several small lakes. Continue reading “Kleiner Steinberg”
Mittelalterliches Dorf Steinrode
Close to the Waldpädagogikzentrum Haus Steinberg and not far from the Kleiner Steinberg mountain you can find a medieval wooden village. It exists from 2004 on and is an educational and not archaeological project. School classes can spend a week there, help to construct the village and learn how life was at that time. Continue reading “Mittelalterliches Dorf Steinrode”
The Freilichtbühne Tannenkamp high above Hann. Münden, Germany is a wonderful place for cultural events. It is located in a beautiful forest and has a stage, a house for today’s necessary technical equipment, simple seats and two rings around made of stone where you can also sit. Continue reading “Freilichtbühne”
The Steinbach or Wandersteinbach begins in the Kaufunger Wald somewhere close to the Rinderstall in Hann. Münden, Germany and runs through a nice valley down the hill via Bonaforth into river Fulda. Along the river there is a well-known path to walk along. Continue reading “Steinbachtalweg”