Awesome sushi

The Japanese restaurant Benkay is located within the Hotel Nikko in Düsseldorf, Germany. It is in an area with lots of Japanese restaurants and shops, the Japan Center; and it is close to the main railway station of Düsseldorf. Beware: you can spend a lot of money there but you receive high quality sushi and other Japanese food in return. And best of all: you immediately have the feeling of being in Asia.

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Il Convento

Ristorante Il Convento, Kassel

Definitely my favorite restaurant in Kassel, Germany. The “Il Convento” is located close to the Königsplatz and is situated within the old Garnisonskirche (garrison church), which creates a unique atmosphere. The staff cooks traditional Italian food, they behave like Italians, curse in italiano and it might also happen that you have a waiter that doesn’t understand German.

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