Beijing Dumpling

BeijingDumpling, London

Chinatown is a part of London crammed with Chinese-run restaurant and shops. It is located north of Leicester Square around the Gerrard street. If you’re looking for good and authentic Chinese cuisine this is your place to be! Don’t skip this experience because you might probably have to wait in front of one of the tiny-looking restaurants – they’re larger than you might think especially as the cellars are used for dining as well and the waiters are experts in packing the restaurant with guests pretty fast.

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Japanese curry

Katsu curry, CoCo Ichibanya, London

When I went to Japan 15 years ago my favorite Japanese food was initially sushi, but I learned that there is something better: Japanese curry (Karē). It was introduced into Japanese culture only in the late 1860s when Japan had to give up its self-chosen isolation and came into contact with the British Empire. Karē was by that time a military dish, today it is a beloved everyday meal ubiquitously available. While travelling through the country I often stopped by at a chain restaurant called CoCo Ichibanya serving delicious Katsu karē.

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Mama Africa

Mama Africa, Cape Town

Being at South Africa gives you the great chance to taste different dishes from all of Africa. If you don’t always want to dine at the waterfront of Cape Town you should consider the city center and especially the Long Street when looking out for great food. There you’ll also find Mama Africa, a well-known restaurant serving African food which is easy to spot – because of the nice paintings on the outside.

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Gröninger-Privatbrauerei, Hamburg

If you want to get a beer brewed in Hamburg, Germany, you might typically choose an Astra or Holsten. They’re the most famous ones, but the oldest brewery from 1793 at the oldest brewery location (used since 1722) is Gröninger. The Gröning Privatbrauerei produces a delicious, amber-colored Pilsener close to the historic Speicherstadt and Chilehaus. The building itself was built in 1761 and is one of the last Baroque-style buildings in the old city center; it is therefore protected as a cultural heritage since 1944.

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Casa Manolo Segundo

Casa Manolo Segundo, Kassel

The city of Kassel, Germany, has many good restaurant options for different tastes. And if it comes to original Spanish tapas, these small portions of delicious food, you need to search a bit: the Casa Manolo Segundo is your best option and located close to the city center, but it is slightly hidden ‘hinter der Kömodie‘, behind the theater in the Friedrich-Ebert-Straße. The good thing about this is that you’ll always find a parking lot in front, once you find the right crossroad.

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Der Kuhhirte

Zum Kuhhirten, Bremen

The Kuhhirte (cowherd) is a traditional German restaurant serving local dishes from northern Germany. It is located on the large river island (Werder) in the river Weser close to Bremen, Germany. The restaurant is not only a good location for lunch or for a beer in their beer garden – it also played an important role in the history of the city. On the February 4th, 1899 here the soccer club SV Werder Bremen was founded. That is also the reason why the club carries the Werder (meaning ‘river island‘) in its name.

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Gamie, Göttingen

When you’re walking through the pedestrian zone in the city center of Göttingen, Germany, you might be surprised to see a beautiful arrangement of Asian lanterns next to the Nabel statue. What was formerly a butcher’s shop has been transformed into an Asian fusion restaurant; a bit too small, a bit too loud – but with extremely delicious meals and extraordinary decorations.

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Traditional food

The Hadjidragana Tavern, София

At the city center of София, Bulgaria you’ll find restaurants serving food from all different countries. If you’re looking for traditional Bulgarian dishes the Hadjidragana Tavern is an excellent choice. There they let you choose from all the typical meals and you can enjoy them with a lokal beer and a rakia; inside or on a terrace in the backyard.

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Bratwurst Glöckle

Bratwurst Glöckle, Göttingen

Is it a clever idea to put a charcoal-fired grill into the stairway of your home and to sell grilled sausages from there? Well, in 1920 someone in Göttingen thought so and the fire is still burning! The Bratwurst Glöckle is easy to overlook if you don’t know where you have to search for it. Keep your eyes wide open at the intersection of Kornmarkt and Groner Straße/Lange-Geismar-Straße, not far away from the Gänseliesel fountain.

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