Train through the Alps

Brennero, Italy

One of the most beautiful railway tracks I can imagine is the “Brennerbahn” (Ferrovia del Brennero) crossing the Alps from Germany via Austria to Italy. It dates back to 1864 and has a maximum inclination of 25%. While the train goes in slopes through the mountains you can sit back and enjoy wonderful views. Especially in winter time the fir trees loaded with snow look great.

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Crossing the Czech Republic

Praha, Czech Republic

Autumn is road trip time! And after looking on a map of Poland there was only one spot left, I haven’t visited in the past: Kraków. And as I have not been to Praha during the last 15 years I decided to cross the entire Czech Republic with stops in Praha and Brno and to drive over the border to Kraków. The most important reason indeed was, that I had not visited a concentration camp before – something that felt odd as I was even travelling to Jerusalem, Israel to learn more about the Shoa.

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The Big Three

Aceitunas, Andalucía

After two gorgeous trips to Brazil and Israel this year I had only time for a short trip to Spain. The main reason to choose this destination was, that I had merely seen Barcelona so far – but nothing of the rest of this wonderful country. While I was in New York last year, I saw a reproduction of the Mezquita and decided to visit the original; at this point in time not knowing anything about the history of Andalucía.

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Terra Sancta

City wall, Jerusalem

When I had to select the destination for my 34th birthday, Israel came into my mind – mainly because I wanted to see Yad Vashem. When I started to talk about this idea I was bothered with a lot of security issues. Friends and family didn’t like the idea of me being at an unsafe area influenced by the conflict between Israel and Palestine. When travelling throughout Brazil I read Breaking news by Frank Schätzing (which in some part tells the history of Israel and the storyline is also situated at Jerusalem) and the decision to go to the Holy Land finally was made.

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