
Hünstollenturm, Bovenden

Amazing views await those, who are willing to hike a while through the Göttingen forest. The Hünstollen is a 423 meters high mountain in the northeast of the city, officially belonging to Bovenden. Because of high cliffs this place was easily made a fortification in earlier days. Since 1882 there was a protective hut and a restaurant at this place and later a wooden tower was created from which you can see the Harz mountains but also the Gaußturm on the Hoher Hagen mountain.

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Rieswarte, Göttingen

In the year 1380 duke Otto the Evil gave the right to create ditches around the city of Göttingen to protect its borders and the people within. In addition to this protective system called Landwehr in German it was allowed to erect free-standing towers (Bergfriede) on mountains and fortifications (Warten) next to roads to control who is entering or leaving the city.

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If you’re living in Göttingen it is impossible to not know what the musa is. The biggest sociocultural center of the region has a history already dating back to the year 1977 and it is located since 1990 in the former military bakery at the Hagenweg, west of river Leine. This part of Göttingen is not the most popular one to live at, but the musa was always a good reason to cross the river and enjoy concerts there.

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Harzblick, Stadtwald, Göttingen

Is it possible to see the Harz mountains from Göttingen? Not always, but sometimes. The Brocken is 60 kilometers afar, but from the Harzblick tower you’ve got a fair chance. The 35 meters high tower is located near the Mackenröder Spitze in the forest of the city. It was first built in 1897 and had to be rebuilt more than once. In 2021 it was refurbished again and from its top you can see the Seeburger See and the Gleichen – and on good days also the Harz mountains.

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Schloß Pyrmont

Schloß Pyrmont, Bad Pyrmont

The most impressive building at Bad Pyrmont is the Baroque-style castle from the 18th century located in a well-protected fortification dating back to the 16th century CE. It was used as a summer residence, but you can also find traces of war as it was besieged and conquered multiple times, even by Swedish troops. Still today the fortification is impressive with a wide moat, high walls, and a long bridge over which you can reach the castle. The tunnel leading you inside has a specialty; it is bended so that nobody can shoot inside. Throughout the castle grounds you can find many chambers and passages to discover.

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Hufeland-Therme, Bad Pyrmont

What would a health treatment in a German Kurstadt be without a nice spa? At Bad Pyrmont you can relax at the Hufeland-Therme which partially receives its waters from a natural spring. You can relax in the salty waters in an indoor and an outdoor pool or sweat a bit at the sauna. A modern spa that is worth its price!

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Hyllige Born

Der Hyllige Born, Bad Pyrmont

If you like to taste different flavors of water, then Bad Pyrmont might be the right destination for you! For health treatments seven springs can be found throughout the city: the Hylliger Born, Helenenquelle, Friedrichquelle, Wolfgangquelle, Hufelandquelle and the Trampel’sche Quelle. They give water that contains calcium, magnesium, carbonate, sulphate and sodium. It’s a tradition to drink these waters to improve your health. In addition, there is also the Salinenquelle which can only be used to swim in its waters and a carbon dioxid gas spring that is also used to cure illnesses.

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Most northern palm garden in Europe

Palmengarten, Bad Pyrmont

When you get old in Germany or suffer a serious illness then you will most probably have a Kur – a treatment at a health spa payed by your health insurance company. This includes different treatments, courses and sometimes drinking water from healthy springs. For that you’re travelling to a Kurort, a spa town that you can most often recognize in Germany by the town name having a ‘Bad‘ at the beginning. You will have nice walks in a special garden, the Kurpark, where you can relax and often listen to classic music. This is financed by a special tax, the Kurtaxe that everyone has to pay if he visits such a place. And sometimes you also get a Kurschatten (literally a ‘treatment shadow’) a person of the opposite sex that you’re spending most time with. Weird Germany.

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