Festung Ehrenbreitstein

Deutsches Eck, Koblenz

The Festung Ehrenbreitstein is a fortress high above river Rhein at Koblenz. Located on a 180 meters high rock the history of this place dates back to the 16th century, first settlements found can be dated back even to the year 4,000 BCE. The fortress was used by German and French forces and served to protect the region underneath. Over time it was used as a jail, a center for displaced persons, an archive and a storage for atomic waste.

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Deutsches Eck

Deutsches Eck, Koblenz

Every year a lot of tourists visits a land tongue at the confluence over the rivers Mosel and Rhein: the Deutsches Eck at Koblenz. On it you can find the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Denkmal, a problematic memorial when looking at the design and the inscriptions. It features the monarchy and nationalism, it includes the former eastern parts of Germany (east prussia, silesia and pomerania) in the list of German federal states.

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