Dransfelder Rampe

Dransfelder Rampe, Hannöversche Südbahn, Dransfeld

If you look at satellite data of the area west of Göttingen, Germany, you can see some unusual slopes of trees. It is the track of the former railway connecting Göttingen to Kassel (Hannöversche Südbahn). via Dransfeld and Hann. Münden – a route that was suboptimal because of the very high inclination in a section called Dransfelder Rampe (‘Dransfeld ramp’). It was nevertheless built because it was the only route from Göttingen to Hann. Münden without leaving the territory of the Kingdom of Hannover. The new route opened in 1876 switches between the German federal states Lower Saxony (formerly Kingdom of Hannover) and Hesse (formerly Kurfürstentum Hessen) several times.

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Hoher Hagen

Bergbau, Hoher Hagen, Dransfeld

Between Göttingen and Hann. Münden on the grounds of the small city Dransfeld, Germany you can find the mountain Hoher Hagen. It is one of the most northern former volcanoes in Germany. In the past people came here for a coffee or a lunch in the restaurant at the now closed Gaußturm. But it is still worth a trip: you can walk through an old basalt quarry, enjoy good views or ride your sledge in winter times. Continue reading “Hoher Hagen”