The Étoilé

Arc de Triomphe, Paris

At the end of the over-crowded, commercialized and steadily inclining Champs-Élysées you’ll find the Arc de Triomphe at Place Charles de Gaulle. It has been built by order of Napoleon to commemorate the victory of the battle of Austerlitz in 1806. You can walk trough a subterranean passage to the Arc and get on top – seeing 14 main streets crossing.

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Tour Eiffel

Tour Eiffel, Paris

One of the major sights in Paris, close to the Champ de Mars. Built in 1887 by Gustave Eiffel as a watch tower for the World Exhibition – and in remembrance of the French revolution – this iron giant draws the attention of people from all over the world. It’s the landmark of Paris and can be seen from most places inthe city.

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