Suspension railway

Suspension railway, Wuppertal

If you speak about Wuppertal, Germany with a typical German he won’t have too much in mind concerning this city. Maybe he knows the strange joke called “Der Lottogewinner” by Loriot (also called Vicco von Bülow), ending with a confused pensioner thinking that his daughter will open up a mens fashion boutique together with the pope in Wuppertal. Most probably he will only know about the iconic suspension railway leading through the town.

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Il Convento

Ristorante Il Convento, Kassel

Definitely my favorite restaurant in Kassel, Germany. The “Il Convento” is located close to the Königsplatz and is situated within the old Garnisonskirche (garrison church), which creates a unique atmosphere. The staff cooks traditional Italian food, they behave like Italians, curse in italiano and it might also happen that you have a waiter that doesn’t understand German.

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Church, mountain, island

Le Mont-Saint-Michel, Pontorson

Le Mont-Saint-Michel is a town with 41 inhabitants and 3.5 million visitors a year close to Pontorson, France. It is the most visited tourist spot outside Paris and consists of a magically placed church on a small island at the Atlantic, surrounded by a small town and walls. In earlier days you could only get there at low tide, nowadays you can walk or take a shuttle bus the whole day. Continue reading “Church, mountain, island”

In Bruges

Bruges, Belgium

I went to Bruges, Belgium as part of my roadtrip in 2012 and was really enchanted by the wonderful atmosphere of the city. I didn’t have too many sights on my list and simple walked through the enlightened city at night and along the canals – giving the city center a feeling of Venice, Italy or Amsterdam, the Netherlands – in daytime. Continue reading “In Bruges”