Hann. Münden, Germany was once the most southern port of the kingdom of Hanover. The port area was and is located in the north of the city, along the Weser – directly opposite of the Weserstein. Today you can still see the tracks of the Hannöversche Südbahn connecting the port and the remains of a port building. Continue reading “Weserumschlagstelle”
Playground in the trees
The national park of Hainich in Thüringen, Germany offers old virgin forests. People get there for hiking but it gained another tourist magnet in 2005: A high metal path leading through the treetops. Two tracks with a length of 250 meters each are situated in the top and above the trees. It is much like the path in Bad Harzburg, Germany but also very different. Continue reading “Playground in the trees”
When I hear the word “Bollywood”, strange Indian dance movies come to my mind and I rather would not visit a restaurant named after it. Now that there is a place called “Bollywood Palace” in Hann. Münden, Germany I needed a bit of pressure to try it – especially as it looks like a fast-food restaurant from the outside. Continue reading “Bollywood?”
Deceleration at Wrocław
It was once again time to select a nice place for my birthday. As we planned to go the week before to Berlin, Wrocław came into my mind because it is the next bigger city in Poland and in 2016 it is the European cultural capital (together with San Sebastian in Spain). That is why wie searched for a flat in the city center and booked the trip. Continue reading “Deceleration at Wrocław”
Świętej Elżbiety
The church Świętej Elżbiety (St. Elisabeth) can be found close to the Ratusz and Rynek of Wrocław, Poland. It is made of red brick and it was until 1946 the main protestant church of the city. It can host up to 2.000 worshippers and is one of the biggest churches in Silesia. Continue reading “Świętej Elżbiety”
Zoo & Afrykarium
The zoological garden of Wrocław, Poland is located close to the centennial hall. It has been opened in 1865, it is today one of the biggest zoos in Poland and you can see 10.000 animals of 1.100 species. Most speciel element is the Afrykarium – a new building hosting animals of Africa. It includes fishes of the red sea and a glas tunnel through the aquarium as well as a hugh hippo bay with a waterfall. Continue reading “Zoo & Afrykarium”
Maybe the university of Wrocław, Poland is the only one in the world having their own cable car. As two areas of the campus of the university are separated by river Odra this cable car has been built. If you park in Na Grobli street and cross the river you can find a small sand beach and a nice place to relax (even though there is no gastronomy). Continue reading “Polinka”
The Hydropolis is the newest attraction of Wrocław, Poland. It is a museum for a very important element: water. On 40.000 square meters it shows everything about water, from the creation of water, the existens of water on other planets and life in the deep sea to the water systems in modern cities and the usage of rivers and oceans. Continue reading “Hydropolis”
It is called the biggest miniature railway in Poland – compared to German installations like the Miniaturwunderland in Hamburg, Kolejkowo in Wrocław is rather small. But it is fun! Located in a former railway station next to the city center it offers different scenarios on two levels. Continue reading “Kolejkowo”
Botanical garden
The botanical garden of Wrocław, Poland is located close to the cathedral of the town and belongs to the local university. You’ll find many wonderful trees and bushes, greenhouses with succulents and other plants. The most unique element is that an old branch of the river Odra, now separated from it is part of the garden. Continue reading “Botanical garden”