The current Jewish cemetery of Hann. Münden, Germany is located at the city quarter Gimte next to the mountain Questenberg. You have to follow the street Heidewinkel, pass under the old railway track and behind that you can park your car and walk 200 meters up the hill to find it.
The Stadtbäckerei & Konditorei Mengel is my favorite bakery in Hann. Münden, Germany. And that is not only because they produce great rolls and cake or because they have friendly staff – they always donate food for charity events in the city.
It’s a nice idea you can find nowadays in many German cities: people get together on a public place to have breakfast together and collect donations. At Hann. Münden, Germany the Spendenparlament organizes the Bürgerfrühstück and for every table they receive 50 Euros which they use to support projects and organizations within the city.
Carmines Pizza
There are different options to have a good pizza at Hann. Münden, Germany. One of them that the locals prefer for ordering pizza was Carusos Pizza-Eck near the Welfenschloß – there you could also sit inside and eat. In 2018 the owner shifted its business to the river island Tanzwerder and named it Carmines Pizza.
One of the most beautiful views on the rivers running through Hann. Münden, Germany is rather unknown – because it is hidden behind a factory. If you leave the city center and pass under the Pionierbrücke along river Fulda on the Eduard-Wüstenfeld-Weg you can see a spillway where birds rest and search for food.
Alter jüdischer Friedhof
The traces of Jewish life at Hann. Münden, Germany are quite hidden. That is because of the fact that since the Nazi times there is no active community in the city, it has been fully destroyed by fascism. You can find a memorial near the old town hall and two cemeteries.
The Wilhelmsplatz is a central place in Göttingen, Germany with nice green areas. It is named after emperor Wilhelm I. and a statue of him is standing there. The place is surrounded by important buildings of the Georg-August-Universität: management offices, the Aula am Wilhelmsplatz used for academic events (and also containing the former student jail) and on the other side the old student restaurant can be found.
Continue reading “Wilhelmsplatz”Auditorium
The Auditorium of Göttingen, Germany is an old lecture building dating back to the year 1865 CE. It has a representative facade and at the beginning it included rooms for 20 to 100 students. Already in 1903 a lecture hall for up to 250 students – the Auditorium maximum or Audimax – was added.
Aula & jail
The Aula am Wilhelmsplatz is the representative building of the Georg-August-Universität at Göttingen, Germany. It is located in the city center at the Wilhelmsplatz and contains offices of the management of the university and a giant representative hall for events. The building was designed by Otto Praël and was opened in 1837. It was sponsored by king Wilhelm IV. for the 100th anniversary of the university.
Continue reading “Aula & jail”Historische Sternwarte
It is the first observatory of a university in Germany: the Historische Sternwarte of Göttingen. Already in 1750 a first observatory has been created at a tower of the Wall. 1803 the new one was build outside the city fortifications (finished in 1816) and from 1929 till today a new one on the Hainberg is used.
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