Let’s face it: the Tangente has already seen its best days – but the club is still worth a visit. The fact that the kids nowadays rather gather at the EinsB, the Savoy or the JT-Keller might also be an advantage – leaving back a relaxed crowd on the dancefloor.
Listening to Fidel Castro
The bar and restaurant Villa Cuba is located close to the old market place of Göttingen, Germany. When you enter this place at the Zindelstraße you’ll find a beautifully decorated bar in Cuban style. The menu isn’t that long but it covers some good dishes from Cuba and the Carribean – especially the starters are great.
Monsters serving delicious crêpes
Getting to the city center of Göttingen, Germany from the railway station involves a walk through the Goetheallee – an alley named after the poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe where you can learn about the distances of the planets or enter one of the numerous bars and restaurants; like the MonsterCafé.
Hiking for gyros
During the last years I’ve not visited Potis that often, because it is quite remote for people used to the short distances in Göttingen – but I recently found out that this was a wrong decision. You can find the Greek restaurant at the upper part of Kreuzbergring in the east of Göttingen.
Beautiful views
The street adress tells everything: Schöne Aussicht, beautiful views. The bar Bolero is situated between the city center of Kassel and the Karlsaue park (directly next to the New Gallery of Art) and there you can enjoy a beer (especially: Astra from Hamburg, Germany), some cocktails or – what seems to be a specialty: good burgers.
Reward yourself
Named after the god of the sea in Greek mythology, the restaurant Poseidon is part of the Badeparadies in Göttingen, Germany – but it also accessible without getting your swimming trunks on. Before this pool and sauna has been opened at the Eiswiese in 1998, the restaurant was already part of the old public indoor swimming pool in the city center (close to the Leinekanal).
Hafen 2
Well, Offenbach isn’t the most beautiful place in the world. But if you need a beer or a coffee close to the river Main, have the children entertained by a big sandbox and a playground with a ship, the Hafen 2 might be right. The place offers a café, a bar, an outdoor cinema and a concert stage.
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The Alte Nationalgalerie (Old national gallery) is part of the museum island in the heart of Berlin, Germany. It has been constructed in 1867 and houses works of the Impressionism, Neoclassicism, Romanticism and of the Biedermeier period. During World War II the building was bombed and it is unclear, which works were destroyed or taken to the Sovjet union as looted art.
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If you are in Hannover, Germany and need to get your head clear you can enjoy a relaxing day in the AquaLaatzium in Laatzen, a small town in the south of Hannover. It offers different saunas, quite good infusions, nice bars and a restaurant and is maybe the best spa in the region.
Continue reading “This is Finnish but not the end”Expo Plaza Festival
The Expo Plaza is the open space between TUI Arena (a concert hall and sports venue) and Deutscher Pavillion at the Expo park south east of Hannover. In the year 2000 the World Exhibition (EXPO 2000) took place here and nowadays the buildings and places are used for different purposes.
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