The Spiegelburg was a small medieval castle high above river Werra. It was built somewhen between the 12th and the 14th century CE and consisted of a main fortress on 30 x 30 meters for the noble inhabitants and an outer bailey with stables and additional buildings.
Continue reading “Ruine Spiegelburg”Niemetal
The Nieme is a 16 kilometers long river starting in the Bramwald near Varlosen and running into river Weser near Bursfelde, Hann. Münden, Germany. It then runs through a wonderful valley and sometimes cuts deep into the landscape. At its end the section has been changed by humans multiple times and has now been brought back to its natural look. Continue reading “Niemetal”
Burg Adelebsen
At Adelebsen, Germany on a hill next to the city center you can find the remaining buildings of the fortress and castle of Adelebsen. It dates back to the year 1234 and was home to the local nobility. Their line ended in 1957 with the death of Georg Freiherr von Adelebsen, the castle is now owned by a foundation. Continue reading “Burg Adelebsen”
Hidden in the forest between Hemeln and Glashütte belonging to Hann. Münden, Germany you can find the ruin Bramburg. It dates back to the 11th century CE and today you can see the well-preserved donjon and some rests of the walls. You can’t enter the building but it is nice to explore the area and the forest surrounding it. Continue reading “Bramburg”
Most tourists go to the Landungsbrücken at Hamburg, Germany to get some hanseatic flair. If you’re looking for a good alternative just go to the Fähranleger Neumühlen by ship or car. Then you can have old ships at a harbour, moving container cranes, the river Elbe, giant sea vessels, a sandy beach, bars and rolls with fresh fish. Continue reading “Elbufer”
Torre di Porto Giunco
High above the beach of Porto Giunco at Villasimius, Italy you can see an old Spanish tower made of stone which isn’t in best condition. It is a fortification from the 16th century protecting the bay. You can’t enter it but it’s location gives you great views on the coast line around it. Continue reading “Torre di Porto Giunco”
Capo Carbonara
If you go to the southeastern end of Sardegna you’ll reach the Capo Carbonara located near Villasimius, Italy. It is a nice area obviously mostly used for tourism. There you will find several beautiful beaches that invite you to some hours at the shore. Continue reading “Capo Carbonara”
Giara di Gesturi
A special flora and fauna awaits you on the tableland called Giara di Gesturi. Wonderful macchia and cork oak trees that are covered with moss and plats can be seen, flat lakes called pauli and 600 rather shy wild horses that live freely on the area – accompanied by sheep, wildcats and pigs. Continue reading “Giara di Gesturi”
Grotta Is Zuddas
In the mountains of the island of Sardegna you can find different flowstone caves that you can visit – one of them is the Grotta Is Zuddas near Santadi, Italy. They have been opened to tourism in 1985 and you can have a guided tour on 500 meters of the 1650 meters long cave. Continue reading “Grotta Is Zuddas”
When preparing for the trip to Sardegna I learned that in the south of the island you can see flamingos in the wild. As I only knew these colorful birds (gaining their color from eating red crabs) from zoological gardens I was keen to see them in their natural habitat. But for days there was not a single fenicottero to see. Continue reading “Fenicotteri”