
Elbufer, Hamburg

Most tourists go to the Landungsbrücken at Hamburg, Germany to get some hanseatic flair. If you’re looking for a good alternative just go to the Fähranleger Neumühlen by ship or car. Then you can have old ships at a harbour, moving container cranes, the river Elbe, giant sea vessels, a sandy beach, bars and rolls with fresh fish. Continue reading “Elbufer”


Fenicotteri, Chia, Domus De Maria

When preparing for the trip to Sardegna I learned that in the south of the island you can see flamingos in the wild. As I only knew these colorful birds (gaining their color from eating red crabs) from zoological gardens I was keen to see them in their natural habitat. But for days there was not a single fenicottero to see. Continue reading “Fenicotteri”