
Nemo, Magdeburg

The Nemo is a spa and sauna in Magdeburg, Germany – close to the Elbauenpark. It includes indoor and outdoor pools, a slide, two restaurants, three saunas and a steam bath. It is nothing really special and it is of medium size – but I absolutely enjoyed the silence at the sauna and the chance to relax after hours of walking throughout the city. Continue reading “Nemo”


Elbauenpark, Magdeburg

The Elbauenpark is a vast garden in the east of Magdeburg, Germany. I was there many years ago when it was created for the Bundesgartenschau 1999. In this year my family chartered a train and brought a huge group of travellers to the garden exhibition in the east of Germany. I still can remember this very well, as my own grandmother didn’t reach the train on the way back and had to return by ICE train. 😉 Continue reading “Elbauenpark”

Grüne Zitadelle

Grüne Zitadelle, Magdeburg

When children were asked to paint their dream house, a girl painted a boot. And the chairman of a local housing society was told by his grandchild that if he would build such a house, every child would want to live in it. That is why he contacted the famous Friedensreich Hundertwasser who sent out employees that looked at the Breite Straße in Magdeburg, Germany and decided that this place would by ideal to realize Hundertwassers ideas. Continue reading “Grüne Zitadelle”