Alles nur geklaut

Humboldt-Forum, Berlin

The center of the Museumsinsel in the heart of Berlin has a colorful past: From 1443 on it was the location of the Berliner Schloss (also named Stadtschloss), the seat of the Electors of Brandenburg, the kings of Prussia and later the German Emperors. It was torn down in 1950 by the government of the GDR and on its grounds the Palast der Republik was built, housing the parliament named Volkskammer. This parliament building then was demolished until 2008 to rebuilt the historic Berliner Schloss, now housing museums and carrying the name Humboldt-Forum. A replica of a historic building worth a visit!

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Mauritius blue

Mauritius blue, Museum für Kommunikation, Berlin

The communication museum (Museum für Kommunikation) in the capital city of Germany resides in an amazing ancient building in the city quarter Mitte (Leipziger Straße / Mauerstraße). Its predecessor, the Reichspostmuseum, was opened in 1872; highlight of the building is the six meters high giants statue added in 1895. The current museum is operated by a foundation owned by the German state and financed by the Deutsche Post and Deutsche Telekom. That seems very reasonable because the focus of the collection is the history of mail and telephony.

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An der alten Försterei

Stadion an der alten Försterei, Berlin

There are not many clubs from the East of Germany who currently play or formerly played in the Bundesliga. The division of the country into FRG (BRD) and GDR (DDR) for some decades still today shapes the scoreboard of the first German soccer league. Since 2016 the artificial club RB Leipzig which is a marketing vehicle for an energy drink producer is present, formerly Hansa Rostock, Energie Cottbus und Dynamo Dresden were there (all of them clubs only few people in the West could relate to). But things are getting better: since 2019 the 1. FC Union Berlin is inside the league. And its story reads like a miracle or fairytale.

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Parkeisenbahn Wuhlheide

Parkeisenbahn Wuhlheide, Berlin

The Wuhlheide is a forest within the city of Berlin, Germany, belonging to the city quarters Köpenick and Oberschöneweide. It is named after the river Wuhle which runs into the river Spree and formerly formed the border of the forest. The area contains an open air stage and a family recreation center (the Freizeit- und Erholungszentrum, FEZ). This is based on the former usage by the GDR youth organization, the Pionierorganisation Ernst Thälmann. And it contains a former Pioniereisenbahn in the Sowjet tradition; a narrow-gauge railway operated by children and teenagers who had fun while being trained to became a railway worker.

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Tierpark, Berlin

In the past, I had visited the Zoologischer Garten of Berlin, Germany, multiple times but I never went to the other zoo of the German capital, the Tierpark Berlin. Maybe it was because it is located in the East of Berlin which I didn’t really visit yet and which still has interesting places left for me to discover. I didn’t expect to much when going there but I could have known that I’m wrong with just finding out that the Tierpark with its 160 hectares is as large as the island of Helgoland. It is the biggest of its kind in Europe.

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Revolutionsdenkmal, Berlin

The Revolutionsdenkmal is a former memorial for the communist leaders Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht which have been killed in 1919. It was located on the Zentralfriedhof Friedrichsfelde, a cemetery at Berlin, Germany. Architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe designed the wall-like memorial in expressionist style using red bricks. The memorial was opened in 1926 but some parts had to be added later and some planned items were never added.

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Gedenkstätte der Sozialisten

Gedenkstätte der Sozialisten, Berlin

In 1951 the German Democratic Republic (DDR) created a memorial for important personalities fighting for socialism on the Zentralfriedhof Friedrichsfelde at Berlin, Germany. The place was chosen as in 1900 one of the founders of the Social Democratic Party, Wilhelm Liebknecht, was buried here. When Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht were killed in 1919 they also found their last rest at this place and a memorial was created, that was later destroyed by the Nazis: the Revolutionsdenkmal.

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KreuzBurger, Berlin

Currently, you can get burgers wherever you want. From the big fast-food chains, the ‘better burger’ chains to smaller restaurant groups and few independent burger eateries. That is for sure especially true at Berlin, Germany. When visiting a concert at the fabulous SO36 I had the chance to test KreuzBurger, a burger bar with six locations throughout the capital city. I really like the shabby chic of their restaurants.

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Markthalle Neun

Markthalle Neun, Berlin

At the end of the 19th century, 14 market halls were created in Berlin, Germany. One of these is the Markthalle Neun and you can still see the ancient structures of the building. Formerly you could buy all kinds of food at around 300 market stands. Usage declined over time but then a new concept was found: in addition to a low-cost discounter, the market hall now contains many stands for regional, fair-trade and organic food.

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Gärten der Welt

Gärten der Welt, Berlin

A fantastic place for a long walk are the Gärten der Welt (gardens of the world) in Berlin, Germany. They are also a good reason to discover the city quarter Marzahn which hasn’t the best reputation. It is the location for the Internationale Gartenausstellung (IGA) 2017 and on the grounds of a park that has already been created in 1987 different gardens in the styles of other countries have been realized: From England and Italy via China to Japan, Bali and Korea.

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