Church, mountain, island

Le Mont-Saint-Michel, Pontorson

Le Mont-Saint-Michel is a town with 41 inhabitants and 3.5 million visitors a year close to Pontorson, France. It is the most visited tourist spot outside Paris and consists of a magically placed church on a small island at the Atlantic, surrounded by a small town and walls. In earlier days you could only get there at low tide, nowadays you can walk or take a shuttle bus the whole day. Continue reading “Church, mountain, island”

In Bruges

Bruges, Belgium

I went to Bruges, Belgium as part of my roadtrip in 2012 and was really enchanted by the wonderful atmosphere of the city. I didn’t have too many sights on my list and simple walked through the enlightened city at night and along the canals – giving the city center a feeling of Venice, Italy or Amsterdam, the Netherlands – in daytime. Continue reading “In Bruges”

Fondation Beyeler

Fondation Beyeler, Basel

The Fondation Beyeler is a privately founded art museum in Basel, Switzerland. It is located a bit remote and you’ll have to use a bus to reach it. The building itself is very modern and opens with a permanent display of Monets Nympheas (like the works visible in the orangery in Paris, France) and behind a glas window there is an artificial pool with real water lilies and water lilies created by water streams – a nice combination. Continue reading “Fondation Beyeler”