Breakfast service

Going to church on a sunday morning was never so pleasant than in Hann. Münden, Germany. That is because of a church close to the city center that has been transformed into a coffee bar where you can have a nice breakfast or a piece of cake. It’s quite a strange feeling to dine on an old altar, but this place has its own very special atmosphere.

The church St. Aegidien dates back to the 17th century CE. It became Protestant in 1540 and it is known to be the place where Johann Andreas Eisenbarth (“Doktor Eisenbarth”), a German miracle healer from the 17th century, was buried in a crypt. His epitaph can still be seen on the outer southern wall of the church.

Later on the church wasn’t needed any more and in 2006 it was converted into a secular building. Two years later the owner of the hotel on the other side of the street bought it and opened up todays “Café Aegidius“. A place to drop in if you’re nearby – but beware: they close during winter times.

The coffee bar was closed in 2018. The owners took over the Café an der Werrabrücke instead  which is now named ‘Zimt & Zucker an der Werrabrücke’.

Café Aegidius
Aegidiiplatz 1
34346 Hann. Münden

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