One of the things making life at Hann. Münden, Germany nice is the fact that it is located close to three rivers: Werra, Fulda and Weser. Water is every where: you can follow the three streams through their valleys to nice places. And they shape the area close to the city center with different river islands that are used in different ways. The islands (in German: ‘Werder‘) contain camping places, restaurants and parking lots, gardens, sculptures and hydroelectric power stations. And there are a lot bridges to cross.
From here to the sea: the Weser
The river Weser is a special one: it doesn’t start as a small river, it is a mighty stream right from the beginning on. It begins at the Weserstein on the Tanzwerder where Werra and Fulda unite. Someone creating a map made a mistake and wrote Weser instead of Werra and thereby created this unique situation; without that the Fulda would simply run into river Werra which would run into the North Sea. But it didn’t come like this.
Hann. Münden was once the most southern harbor of the kingdom of Hannover and it is still used like that today. At the Weserumschlagstelle ships are sometimes loaded and unloaded. The special love for the river can be experienced at the Weserliedanlage on the Questenberg. The Weser is 450 kilometers long and passes Bad Karlshafen, Höxter, Holzminden and Hameln. After visiting the Porta Westfalica and runs via Bremen (and the fantastic Weserstadion) into the North Sea near Bremerhaven.
From the Wasserkuppe: the Fulda
The Fulda starts in the Rhön area near mountain Wasserkuppe. It is 220 kilometers long and passes cities like Bad Hersfeld, Fulda, Bebra, Melsungen and Kassel. An important river that runs into the Fulda is the Eder – the Edersee dam is used to regulate the water level of Fulda and Weser. Good and bad alike: in World War II the bombing of the dam created a giant flood wave that hit the cities at the Fulda, including Hann. Münden. Along the Fulda many bicyclists go from Hann. Münden to Kassel and vice versa – in the past there was also a connection by ship.
From Thuringia: the Werra
The river Werra can be traced back to the south of Thuringia, the ThüringerSchiefergebirge near Eisfeld and Hildburghausen. It is with nearly 300 kilometers length the longest source river of the Weser. It passes cities like Bad Salzungen, Wanfried, Eschwege, Bad Sooden-Allendorf and Witzenhausen. Near Hann. Münden you can find the Römerlager Hedemünden, the Grundbachtal and the Glasbachtal close to it. Following the river further on you can visit the Tropengewächshaus Witzenhausen or the national park Hainich.
Boat tours
If you want to enjoy the three rivers take a boat tour: the Rehbein-Linie starts with their ship Europa close to the Weserstein. The owners are searching for someone to continue their business – hopefully this touristic highlight remains.

A boat tour to Kassel is currently impossible because of the watergate at Kassel that is currently not working. By the way: in addition to the one in Kassel there are watergates at Wahnhausen, Wilhelmshausen, Bonaforth and Hann. Münden. There you can find it close to the camping place on the Tanzwerder.
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