The old Tiergarten

Zoo, Heidelberg

The zoological garden of Heidelberg, Germany (“Tiergarten Heidelberg”) is located in the north-east of the city, between the river Neckar and the famous university. It dates back to 1934 and in some parts you can really see that it is an old zoo – sometimes because the animals don’t have that much space and sometimes because of the special flair of the old houses surrounding the area.

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Mountain zoo

Bergzoo, Halle (Saale)

Things aren’t that obvious in Halle (Saale), Germany. You won’t expect to find a lovely old city center behind those GDR-style Plattenbauten close to the railway station. You might not think that there is a chocolate factory and museum. But one thing you can’t ignore if you arrive: a big advertisement in form of a globe between the railway tracks reminds you that there is a zoological garden.

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The Zoo

Zoo, Ljubljana

After a 25 minutes walk from Tivoli gardens you can access the zoological garden of Ljubljana, Slovenia close to the woods. A green area with a middle sized and in someway semiprofessional zoo that is nice to visit. Going here by bus is theoretically possible but the buses do not run that often.

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