The goat and the milk

Hummus, Haifa

When travelling through Israel you will often read that restaurants are kosher. Or even if you don’t recognize this, the rules of the Thora and the Bible will influence what you’ll get to eat. At first Jews are only allowed to eat mammals that are cloven-hoofed and ruminants (no pigs, no rabbits, no horses) or that have scales and fins (no clams, no prawns, no lobster).

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Yad Vashem

Yad Vashem, Jerusalem

„To them I will give within my temple and its walls a memorial and a name better than sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name that will endure forever.“

– Isaiah 56:5

Vivid life on ancient ground

Old city, Jerusalem

There are not many places I would classify as a must-see during lifetime – but the old city of Jerusalem is definitly one of those. The place is bordered by the old city walls from the 16th century CE and you can really imagine how it would be to stand in front of it as a crusader. The streets are narrow, in some parts mostly covered and you’ll ask yourself how people can live here.

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Dead Sea, Israel/Palestine

The Dead Sea is a lake 400 m below sea level – the lowest point of the world. It is kind of a different climate zone and as everybody has heard of – it has very special water conditions. The lake has a very high salinity (28-33 %) and the bottom seems to consist of pure salt. The water is brought in by river Jordan and there is no outflow; the water simply evaporates here.

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