
It is well known that in Hann. Münden, Germany the two rivers Werra and Fulda unite to a mighty stream called Weser. And that there is a stone (the “Weserstein“) at the confluence to tell this story. But there is also a song for the river Weser written in 1835 by Franz von Dingelstedt – and for this song you can find a memorial up above Hann. Münden.

“Hier hab’ ich so manches liebe Mal
mit meiner Laute gesessen,
hinunterblickend ins weite Tal,
mein selbst und der Welt vergessen.”
Franz von Dingelstedt

The memorial is a platform in the shape of a stone ring which contains bronze plaques for the author and the composer of the song and the text. Most important it really offers a wonderful view on the three rivers and the city center. It is a tough way up there but worth the pain. Coming from the market place you have to walk over the wonderful old bridge over the river Werra, cross the street and walk straight ahead. After a curve you have to turn left through an old railway bridge (belonging to the “Hannöversche Südbahn“), turn left again and walk up the hill.

End of “Eichenweg”
Hann. Münden


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