Parque Central

Parque Central, Granada (Nicaragua)

People sitting on benches chatting, children chasing pigeons, merchants selling their products on a small market, horse carriages waiting for passengers to jump in. The Parque Central of Granada, Nicaragua, is as usual in colonial cities the heart of the town, the living room, the meeting place. Bars, restaurants and hotels surround this place which makes a good starting point for a visit to the city. Fountains and statues, dedicated to national poet Rubén Darío, to the country Nicaragua and to mothers in general decorate the place.

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Colonial house

Hotel El Arca De Noe, Granada (Nicaragua)

The Hotel El Arca de Noé is the perfect starting point for a trip to Nicaragua. Located in the city center of Granada it is situated in a former colonial house with a garden in its center. Once you’re overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle of the streets you can enter this oasis and relax in one of the many hammocks or rocking chairs. The rooms are all located around this patio and in the mornings they serve you breakfast there: either the traditional Gallo Pinto (beans and rice) or pancakes with bananas.

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Lago Cocibolca

Lago Cocibolca / Lago de Nicaragua, El Guayabo

The Cocibolca or Lago de Nicaragua is the second-largest inland lake in Latin America after Lake Titicaca in Bolivia and Peru. It stretches from the border to Costa Rica in the south to the city of Granada in the north. The water of the lake runs through the Río San Juan into the Caribbean Sea and this river can also be used by larger ships. That was discovered in 1525 by the Spanish, but also in the 17th century by pirates attacking the city of Granada.

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Aeropuerto Internacional Augusto C. Sandino

Aeropuerto Internacional Augusto C. Sandino, Managua

The airport of Managua, Nicaragua, is a rather small one: it has only one runway and six gates, but it transports more than a million passengers every year. The Aeropuerto Internacional Augusto César Sandino (MGA) is the only international airport of the country and located next to the Panamericana, 11 kilometers afar of the capital city. Most flights are operated by Copa Airlines from Panama, but there are also connections with Aeroméxico, with the three largest airlines of the USA (Delta, American, United) and you can go to La Habana and Caracas.

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