Parque Central

People sitting on benches chatting, children chasing pigeons, merchants selling their products on a small market, horse carriages waiting for passengers to jump in. The Parque Central of Granada, Nicaragua, is as usual in colonial cities the heart of the town, the living room, the meeting place. Bars, restaurants and hotels surround this place which makes a good starting point for a visit to the city. Fountains and statues, dedicated to national poet Rubén Darío, to the country Nicaragua and to mothers in general decorate the place.

If you follow the Calle La Calzada to the east you’ll pass along the party area of the city and will end up at the Malécon and the Colcibolca lake. But before doing so you should pay attention to the beautiful Catedral Inmaculada Concepción de María located directly at the Parque Central. It was first built in 1583 but the current one is from 1912. In the meantime it has been destroyed and rebuilt several times. It doesn’t always need earthquakes for that, in the past Nicaraguans found different reasons to destroy complete cities.

At the Parque Central they also offer a local specialty in different restaurants: Vigorónes, a Nicaraguan dish consisting of cabbage salad, delicious yuca and chicharrones. The latter is fried pork fat. I’m open minded and ready to taste everything, but with this stuff I had to give up. Did you know that it is named after a medicine produced by German manufacturer Bayer?

Parque Central
Catedral Inmaculada Concepción de María

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