The Walls of Verona

Torre dei Lamberti, Verona

“There is no world without Verona walls,
But purgatory, torture, hell itself.
Hence “banished” is banish’d from the world,
And world’s exile is death.”

– William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

Hotel Torcolo

Piazza Bra, Verona

The Albergo Torcolo in Verona, Italy is a hotel I returned to multiple times during the last years. It is a very small and narrow hotel with old-style furniture – nothing really special one would say. But there are two reasons why I always love to be there; the first is the very friendly family running the hotel. You immediatly feel at home and it is possible to switch between Italian, English and German in just one sentence at the reception.

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Train through the Alps

Brennero, Italy

One of the most beautiful railway tracks I can imagine is the “Brennerbahn” (Ferrovia del Brennero) crossing the Alps from Germany via Austria to Italy. It dates back to 1864 and has a maximum inclination of 25%. While the train goes in slopes through the mountains you can sit back and enjoy wonderful views. Especially in winter time the fir trees loaded with snow look great.

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