As I was looking for a destination in South America, I quickly decided to go to Brazil – mainly because I wanted to see Rio de Janeiro. But the first place I’ve in fact seen was Foz do Iguaçu within the triangular Brazil / Argentina / Paraguay, because I started at the Cataratas do Iguaçu.
I travelled from Frankfurt Internation Airport (FRA) via Aeroporto Internacional de São Paulo (GRU) to Aeroporto Internacional de Foz do Iguaçu (IGU). I booked this trip with Aventoura, an agency from Freiburg, Germany, specialized on journeys to Cuba and Latin America. They’re real experts and they always have contacts or staff at the destination. That’s something I really like because when travelling by car it is likely, that something happens you won’t foresee.
Foz do Iguaçu is a small town solely built for tourism. You’ll find shops and restaurants, beergardens and a botanical garden – and lots of hotels. And there is also a twin town on the Argentinian side: Puerto Iguazú. I never used public transport in Foz do Iguaçu because I was always fetched at the hotel for day trips and the necessary infrastructure was reachable on foot.
If you need a bar, a beergarden or a restaurant, you can walk to Avenida Jorge Schimmelpfeng. It is a main road and you can even find a gas station there. On the other hand you can find small stores, bars and restaurants in Avenida Brasil, close to Avenida Argentina. Even a small street market is located there.

Typically from here tourists visit the Brazilian side of the falls (with a nice bird park), the Argentinan side (with a train ride) and you can also go to Ciuadad del Este in Paraguay which is close-by but not a tourist destination – it is only a shopping venue for Brazilians and Argentinians.
Foz do Iguaçu
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