Bus from Albania to Montenegro

Bus transfer Albania-Montenegro

I did not use long distance busses very often in the past. Within western Europe you would simply take a train. Only once I went by bus to Zagreb, Croatia because it was cheap and I wanted to try it. If you’re on the balkans the situation changes totally and as there are only a small number of railway tracks the long distance busses become means of transport #1. And I must admit I also enjoyed it.

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Hotel Colosseo

Hotel Colosseo, Tirana

If you’re travelling by long-distance bus to or from Tirana, Albania and without a too tight budget – then the hotel Colosseo might be a good option. It is a nice four star hotel at one of the streets leading to the city center and the Skanderbeg square. If you’re walking on foot to the bus station for busses going to the north (behind ‘Pallati Sportit Asllan Rusi‘) you’ll need about seven minutes. To the city center it is less than 15 minutes on foot.

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