The Centro Ecoturístico Agua Caliente is located directly next to the Río Dulce and it is a really good reason to stop when you’re passing by boat from the city of Río Dulce to Livingston. It is a natural hot spring that runs directly into to river itself. This geothermal wonder is a result of the area’s volcanic activity, which heats groundwater as it percolates through the earth’s crust. The heated water then rises to the surface, creating the hot springs that have become a popular attraction for both locals and tourists alike.
Continue reading “Agua Caliente”Pirates of the Caribbean
The Castillo de San Felipe de Lara, situated at the strategic entrance of the Lago de Izabal in eastern Guatemala, stands as a testament to the Spanish Empire’s struggle against piracy in the Caribbean. Built in the mid-17th century, this fortress was designed to protect vital trade routes and Spanish ships from the persistent threat of buccaneers and pirates who frequently raided the region. The castle’s location at a narrow point of the Río Dulce made it an ideal defensive position, allowing the Spanish to control access to the Lago de Izabal and the important port of San Antonio de las Bodegas.
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