The Wasserschloss Wülmersen is a wonderful place and a good destination for an excursion in the middle between Trendelburg and Bad Karlshafen. The name is a little bit misleading as it is not really a castle – it is a farm that dates back to the 12th century CE. In the past it was partially surrounded by a moat, therefore it received the name water castle or Wasserschloss.
Café Mehlschwalbe, Trendelburg Wasserschloss Wülmersen, Trendelburg Wasserschloss Wülmersen, Trendelburg
Today it serves as a camping ground and for many different activities. Part of this place is the Café Mehlschwalbe serving fantastic cake. But close to it you will also find an ostrich farm (amazing animals!) and lots of cows with long tongues that love to lick whoever comes close. The Wasserschloss is located close to the rivers Diemel and Holzape. You can reach it very well on a canoe tour. It is a perfect place for a family excursion.
Wasserschloss Wülmersen
Café Mehlschwalbe
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