The central market (Centrāltirgus) of Rīga, Latvia is located directly next to the bus station and not far away from the railway station. You can’t miss it because it is located within iconic buildings once used to built airships. On 72.000 squaremeters you can buy fruit, cheese, meat, fish, flowers and more. The market plays an important role in everyday life and I’ve never seen so many people accessing a market.
Centrāltirgus, Rīga Centrāltirgus, Rīga Centrāltirgus, Rīga
Products are sold within the market halls and also outside surrounding the building. The Centrāltirgus is the biggest grocery market in Latvia and the current buildings date back to 1930: is hygienic conditions became worse the halls where bought from an airship harbour at Vaiņode, Latvia and brought here. By that time it was the most modern and biggest market in Europe.
Central market
Nēģu iela 7
Latgales priekšpilsēta
Rīga, LV-1050
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