Gedächtnis der Gleise

It is a memorial many people get close to every day without recognizing it: the Gedächtnis der Gleise (memory of the railway tracks) at the main railway station (Kulturbahnhof) of Kassel, Germany. I just discovered it by accident after using the railway station for two years twice a day.

Between 1941 and 1942 around 2500 Jewish citizens of Kassel were deported from track 13 of the railway station. They were brought to Majdanek, Sobibor, Theresienstadt and the ghetto of Riga. To always remember this Nazi crime the names of 1007 persons have been engraved into the tracks. In addition there is a sign telling what happened here.

The creation of this memorial was supported by the state-owned German railway company and different local companies. Their trainees helped with engraving the names and laying the 120 meters long tracks. It is a good memorial preserving the names of the victims – but it is sad that it is not directly visible for most passengers.

Gedächtnis der Gleise
Kassel Hauptbahnhof / Kulturbahnhof
Rainer-Dierichs-Platz 1
34117 Kassel

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