Gleis 1

Okay, the name of the bistro at the railway station of Hann. Münden, Germany isn’t very creative: I’ve seen many bars and restaurants at railway stations named “track 1“, “Gleis 1” or in this case the French version “voie 1“. But it is good that it is there!

When the Deutsche Bahn decided to degrade the stop in Hann. Münden from a Bahnhof to a Haltstelle a private person bought the railway station building in 2003. Since then different companies rented space here and since 2015 the bistro “voie 1” sells coffee and small dishes.

The guest room is beautifully decorated and the bistro uses the waiting room in the center of the building for special events like weddings. I was really surprised what a nice atmosphere they created in this plain space with light and curtains.

We came here for the traditional Martinsgänseessen on Martinmas of the Spendenparlament Hann. Münden – an association collecting donations to support different projects in the city. A nice event at a surprisingly good location!

Bistro voie 1
Adam von Trott zu Solz-Platz 2
34346 Hann. Münden

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